Chapter 1

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I drew these original characters a while ago. this is tatsuya

 this is tatsuya

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and more characters to come

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and more characters to come.

"Mira?! Mira where are you!" The little boy shouted in terror, trying to hide from the ciaos taking place. Their village was being attacked, with destruction and fire everywhere. His older sister Mira had been separated from him, when the attack had began. "Mira, please! Say something!!!" He says desperately, big tears running down his face. He was a part of the Hisa-kan village, a village devoted to compassion, and kindness, they where not supposed to have enemies. But an evil sorceress named Medusa, had taken over the land. She determined that their village would have to go.  Suddenly he froze. There, lying in front of him, where the almost decapitated bodies of his parents. The two had been hung up on two steaks, their bodies shown as warnings for the other beings near him.  He felt his vision getting blurry, and before he knew hat was happening, he lost consciousness.

"No!" A teen with chest nut brown hair shouts, sitting up suddenly, awakened from his deep sleep, leaning agent a tree in the west woods. "Tatsuya? Are you alright?" A small figure asks concerned, while hovering over her companion. He blinked a few times, and his vision cleared from its sleep. "Yeah...I just had a nightmare silver, nothing to worry about..." He says, trailing off at the end, remembering the horrible dream. "Oh, alright." The small fairy says, happily. She offten worried about her brown haired companion. "We are close to another town, if you want to stop there. Maybe Mira is here!" The fairy says excitedly."Good idea, we might be able to earn some money while at it." Tatsuya agrees, heaving himself up from his spot on the ground, and grins. They had spent their last coin back at the shop. "Let's go." He says as him and silver wall down the road.

When the two arrive in the busy town, they start searching for his older sister, showing her picture, and asking around. No one knew who she was. No one had seen her."Please wait!" Tatsuya shouted desperately as he chased a young boy his age. "I need to ask you a few questions!" He called.The boy stops, and looks at him. "I'm busy, ask later." He says, slightly annoyed by the persistent brunette. "It won't take long, I promise!" Tatsuya says. "We are looking for someone, and want to know if you've seen her!" Silver says, hovering next to tatsuya head. "...fine. but I have work, so make it quick." He says. Tatsuya and silvers eyes light up in happiness, that they got the chance to explain.

Tatsuya holds out the picture. "Her name is Mira, have you seen her?!" He asks hopefully. The boy looks at it. "......a long time ago, she passed through this town." He says. Tatsuyas eyes light up. "She did?!" He asks. "Yes I already told you that!" The boy shouts. "Wow! Hey what's your name?!" Tatsuya asks the boy, still excited he is going the right way. The boy looks at him blankly then sighs. " The names Kai." He answers. "And I'm a local navigator for travelers in this town."

Kai walked down the street, with the two new guys following. He had agreed to let them spend the night with him. As they walked, suddenly, Kai was stopped by a group of larger men. "Hey, its the punk from that one store." One guy said. Kai glared. He knew these people from an incident long ago. " He broke my nose last time, im supposed to repay you in doubble ti-" He started to say, but was cut off by tatsuya punching him in the jaw. Kais eyes widened, as he watched this. 

"You looked like you didnt like him. " Tatsuya said, frowning. Kai shook his head, now focused again. "J..just come on." He said quickly, and started running. They had to get away while the other boys where still in shock. Tatsuya and Silver followed running, until they outran them.

Kai walked down the street and up to a large shop, for mechanical parts and maps. He opens it with his key, and sets his bags on the counter. "Here we are." He says. the two look around in amazement. Everywhere you looked, there where boxes and gadgets, and compass people can get. "Do you work here?" Silver asks. Kai nods from behind the shelf. "I own this store. I inherited it from my father, who died a while ago. He taught me everything i know." Kai responds proudly. He had kept the store in good health, for longer then he could remember. The brunette was makeing a pretty steady income too.

"Hey..about earlier, thank you. Those guys tried to steal something a while back, when my dad was in charge. I knocked that guy out." Kai explained. Tatsuya smiles. "No problem!" He said happily. "I dont like things hanging over my head, so what can i do to repay you?" Kai asks. Tatsuya grins happily, and looks at Silver, then looks back. "Join us!" He says happily.

Kai blinked a few times. Was this guy for real...? "Excuse me?" He asks. "Join us on our quest to find Tatsuyas sister!" Silver says happily. kai frowns, not wanting to agree, but his father brought him up as a good man, who helped those in need. "...Fine. Alright, but i cant stay away from my store too long, ok?" He says." Tatsuya cheered, happy they had someone else to join them on their quest. 

"Tatsuya, how long until we arrive?" Silver asks. "No clue, but if we keep walking we can find it eventually." He says happily. "This guy's an idiot..." Kai mumbles. Kai pulls out his map and shows it to Tatsuya and Silver. We are here." He says, pointing to a mark on the map. "Where you two are trying to go, is here." He continues, moving his finger far across the map. "She said she was going to Hinokoku, so thats where ill take you." He explains. Tatsuya nods, and cheers happily, jumping up. "We have the navigator!" He shouts happily. Silver cheers too. "We know where to go!" She cheers happily. The truth was, the two had gotten lost countless times before.  Kai starts walking, already halfway down the road. "Wait for us!" They shout, and race to follow.

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