chapter 8

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"Kill you?" Tatsuya asks, confused. It seemed he was the only one of the group who didnt realize the danger of this man. Zen chuckled and walks over and looks down at him. "You seem familiar. Have i seen you before?" Zen asks, confused. Something about his eyes, reminded him of something. "Im not sure." Tatsuya said, and smiled. 

He remembered. Everything. This was the same man who had killed his parents, and his village. He was the reason Mira had left. He caused this all. "Huh. Whats your name?" Zen asks. "Tatsuya." He answers. Zen looks at him for a while and grins. "I see. Draw your sword, Tatsuya. Face me." He says, and looks at him smugly. Tatsuya wasted no time thinking about his request, and pulled out his sword, gripping the tight woven handle in his hands. His eyes shone, not with rage, but excitement. Tatsuya cared not about revenge, only to save future victims. 

Zen looks at him, as his fists flame up in a red orange flame. "When your ready, go right ahead and-" He began, but was but off by a large gust of wind, and blinked. Tatsuya stood behind him, on one knee, hos sword facing forward, as Zens right arm fell to his side. In one swift slice, Tatsuya had sliced it right off. Zen blinked a few times. "Oh, that works too." He said, and picked up his arm, using a dark green light, to attach his arm back into its socket. He didn't show it, but he was suprised. Something about the way that Tatsuya moved... put him on edge. 

"Whoa, your arm came back on? Thats pretty cool" Tatsuya said, looking up at him, eyes wide in curiosity. "How dose it work?" Tatsuya questions. "Secret, but the only way to kill me is to slice my hear right off with a demon blade, something you dont have." He says with a grin. Tatsuya shrugs. "Yeah, i guess so. I might have to get my hands on one of those huh?" He says, eyes glinting with excitement. It wasnt every day he got to battle a demon. One of so high class that is. Zen raised a hand to attack the young boy, but suddenly his chest shined a bright white light. "Shit.. Well, Tatsuya, ill see you again." He said and grins. "Next time dont make this so easy." He says, and disappears. 

The other three stood there in complete silence. What was it that they had just seen....  Tatsuya turns to them and grins happily. "Hey im hungry! Lets go find a place to eat!" He shouts happily. "Uhh... Sure.." Kai said, still supprised. Silver floated over to him and looked at him. "Your ok right?" She asks hesitantly. Tatsuya blinks and grins happily. "Yep!" He shouts and starts walking down the train. 

Sanada and Kai exchange a look, then follow behind their two companions. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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