chapter 7(?)

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Ok so last time i started writing on my phone, and completed it on my computer, then it messed up with saving. so zens pic is in the last chapter, i wont take it down, but here is the completed chapter. 

In the midst of the darkness, found in a forest, far from the kingdom, a young man appeared, bowing to one knee, to the figure seated in the darkness. "Milady, you summoned me?" He asks, the woman, hidden by shadows. 

The woman stands up, acknowledging his presence. "I have." He announces. "You are to go survey the village we will be destroying next." He says, giving him the mission, her eyes glinting in the darkness of the room. His head still bowed, the man nods. "Yes Milady." He says, and waits for permission to part ways and begin on the mission. She looks at him, eyes glinting a bright green, in the darkness. "You may go, Zen." She says. The man disappeared, and only to re appear in the village she had spoken of.

Dressed by only a brown cloak, he began to walk down the street, examining the people, stores, and important places to note on attack. He stops as a young boy runs up to him, with dusty blond hair, and stumbles into the older mans leg, falling backwards. Zen blinked, and looked down at the child in front of him, that faintly reminded him of someone he had known. The young boy smiles and jumps up. "Sorry mister, im Gavin! Whats your name?" He asks, eyes glinting with childish curiosity, as he looks up at the black haired man in front of him. 

"Zen." He answers curtly. Gavin smiles happily and hands The older man an apple, from his bag. "Here ya go mister Zen!" He says happily, making sure Zen has the apple in hand, before running off again. The demon looked down at the apple, then watches his young friend run off, with a slight smile on his face. He slipped the apple into his own bag and continues on his way.

A few hours pass and Zen returns to the castle, bowing in front of hi master. "I have completed." He informs the woman, who had yet to move from her throne in darkness. She grins, and looks at him. "The tomorrow you lead the attack. Azi will accompany you as well." She states. 

Azi was a fellow general, higher up on Medusa's rank then Zen. A tall, red haired man with wings that of a demon, something only gained with great power. He used a sword and was quite ruthless. As most demons, including Zen himself, Azi viewed humans as nothing more then bugs to be squashed. Zen wasnt very fond of the higher ranking general, but never let it show. 

"Very well." He answers and disappears to his room, greeted by his pink haired companion, yet to be named. 


Fire every where. It encased buildings and burned people. Zen watched his work, and listened to the screams and cries of the humans of this village. He had zoned out slightly, when he felt a bony withered hand grip his arm. "You wont get away with this vile demon! You will be stopped! Cut down by the brown haired hero!" The old woman with rags, and clear white eyes screams in his face. His eyes widen, and lights her on fire, out of instinct. He blinks, watching her burn and frowned slightly.

Brought down? What her was she speaking of? He should have kept her alive until she answered his lingering questions.... Never less he jumped down from the building he was standing on, and into the streets. All where dead, and flames where still burning down the houses. He looks down and his eyes widened, seeing Gavin, the little blond boy from earlier. 

"M-mister.. Z-Zen... Pl-please help m-" He began pleadingly, and eyes widened, as a thin blade from a sword slices a hole through hos four head. The young child coughs, and the hand he had reached out to Zen, fell to his side. Azi stood above him and pulled out his sword, slashing it to clear the blood off his blade. "No survivors." He reminds Zen. The black haired demon couldn't take his eyes off the young boy. Just hours ago, he had been happy, running around and playing with the other kids. He nodded, to Azis statement, and the two dissipated. 

He walked into his room to see His young girl, sitting on his bed. "Hello Mister Zen!" She says, smiling happily. A smile that brought back memories, of just earlier that day. She holds out a shiny red apple happily. "I found an apple in your bag, can i have it?"



All the members jumped back and whipped around to see the black haired general with piercing green eyes, leaning casually agents a tree, smirking. "So your the one whos going to kill me?" He mused, looking straight at Tatsuya. 

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