chapter 3

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"Woah! This place really is nasty!" The small fairy says, astonished by the sight of the town. The town was nothing more then ruins, and garbage littered the streets. The streets where covered with people, begging for money, looking for a poor sucker they had the chance to hustle. Kai spotten three young children, in the alley, counting money they had most likely stolen. Kai snorted, this place was disguesting. No wonder this place was commonly refered to as, "The Slums". It lived up to its title. "it looks like it was just attacked by demons..." Tatsuya said, looking around at the depressing scene infront of him. Kai glared. "I TOLD you it would!" He said, clearly annoyed. He hated this town. It is full of savages, and rich people, full of greed evil and hatred. And hes done everything in his power to avoid it until now.  

"lets go!" Tatsuya says happily, suddenly remembering the reason they came in the first place. he grins, fully thinking of his older sister as he starts running into the crowd. Kai and Silver hurry after, not wanting him to get lost. Tatsuya had a tendency to...wander. "Lets see here..." Tatsuya says, looking around. Kai frowns, annoyed. it didnt seem like Tatsuya knew what he was doing. at all.  "What is it we are looking for?" Kai asks annoyed. "Anything that might connect to Mira!" He answers happily. Yep. He was right, Tatsuya was clueless. "Then we should go to the middle of town. Thats where events happen, and banners are heald with information and jobs." Kai says, grabbing both of them, and starts walking to the middle of town. Just because he hated this place, didnt mean he was also as clueless as Tatsuya. He had done is research. 

The three arrive to see a crowd around the bullion board. Kai frowns at the emptyness of the board, and looks at it grimly. "Theres nothing here, its just a slave auction.." He says grimly, and turns away. It didnt interest him, slavery was a common thing in this era. Tatsuya on the other hand stares at it, and frowns angrily. He knew about slavery, and he didnt agree with it. People shouldnt be treated like animals. That was wrong. "Hey, we can go now, theres nothing about your sister here." Kai said, annoyed. The longer they stayed here, the worse could happen. "We cant let this happen! People shouldn't be sold as slaves! People are people, and not animals, or property!" He shouts. Kai tenses. he had heard this speech so many times before, he knew where Tatsuya was going with this. "No, no no no no, no. We are NOT crashing the slave auction." He warns. Theres no way that would end well for eithor party. 

"How can you just let this go on!?" Tatsuya asks, astonished. He and Mira had always been taught to help everyone, no matter who they where, or what they did. Thats what their village had taught them, and their parents too! Did kai agree with slavery? How could Kai just leave these people to be sold like objects?! It was so unbelievable! "Because we dont know them. We arent going to get into more trouble then we need to." Kai says, annoyed. He really didnt want to be here. Those people where beyond help, they shouldn't interfere. Why couldnt this idiot understand that?!

"Lets go Silver, you too Kai, cause we are going to go to the auction!" Tatsyua says happily. Kai groaned. This was really happening wasn't it? "Well i want no part of this." Kai says, determined not to get involved. Silverss eye twitches. "But we are a TEAM" She says, clearly annoyed by his choice. "So what? Im not going to die with you two psychos." He states. Tatsuya ignores his statement, and grabs his arm, pulling him along, as they walk to the auction site. Silver smirks triumphantly, as she hovers after, ignoring the many loud complaints from their brown haired companion.  The three stand in the crowd, as the auctioneer announces the bids, and wait for the end. 

When all the slaves are brought back to be sold, the three sneak back, behind the stage. Silvers eyes widen, as she sees many slaves in cages and chains, some with children, some without. Tatsuya frowns angrly, and looks around for the guard with the keys. and realizes the guard isnt there. "here." Kai says, tossing Tatsuya the keys to the chains and locks. "on his desk." He answers the question lingering on both his companions minds. "oh, alright lets hurry!" Silver says. If they got caught here, things wouldn't be very good. The penalty for freeing slaves was high. By the time they had finished freeing all the slaves, it had been a full 30 minutes. Something was up. "Alright... where are the guards..." Kai mumbles, looking around. The silence was almost straining, as the three froze. All had realized at the same time, that this was a trap. And they had all fallen directly into it. 

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