Chapter 4

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This is Sanada

"What do we do with them?" One guard asks, referring to the three intruders that had set their slaves free

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"What do we do with them?" One guard asks, referring to the three intruders that had set their slaves free. "They waited thousands of coins with that stunt!" He said. The man frowns. "weve only one left... should we turn them over to the kingdom?" His fellow guard asks. Kai tenses. If that happened, theirs no way they'd get out of this alive! its all that stupid Tatsuyas fault! He should have just stayed home, and refused these twos request! Silver looked worried. She was trapped under a bottle with three heavy books atop it, to prevent her escape. Tatsuya was tied up next to Kai, as they both leaned agenst the wall, sitting near the table silver and the bottle was set on. It didn't look like an escape was possible. They just might be in real troubble this time. "Hey.... did you hear that?" One guard asks his companion. It was true, there was a loud sound of screaming. And... burning! 

The two guards run out, to see the entire village burning, and people running from snakes and demons. The village was under attack, and leading, was a woman with dark long, purple hair, with tattoos all over her body. she had snake like, red eyes, and looked pure evil. She was accompanied by a man with pitch black hair, shining green eyes, and a pale white completion, in a black general uniform, and was seen to be commanding the army. Tatsuyas eyes widen as he saw them from the window. The man was almost on fire! Like, really, covered in flames!  This was the man who had burned his village! He was the one who had killed his parents, and all of his friends! Silver began trying to push the bottle, to make it move, but it was no use. the books where too heavy for her tiny strength. Kai gritts his teeth. this was the end, they cant escape, and the building would probably be burnt down too! What should he do...

Suddenly, the doors to the building there thrown open, as a girl with short black hiar, and peircing gold eyes appears. Kais eyes widened. This was one of the slaves they had freed! She was one of the last, and had probabully seen them get captured! The girl walks over and uses dusty gray pocket knife to rip through the ropes holding Tatsuya and Kai hostage. Kai jumps up, and looks around. They could thank her later, they needed to focus on getting out of here! Tatsuya quickly removes the books and frees his faity companion, and looks at the girl. "This way, quick." She says, and runs out the back door of the building. Kai hesitates, then nods and they follow her. The four run to the neerby woods, and after a long time of running, they stop. 

"W-who where they..?" Tatsuya asks, refering to the ones attacking the village. The girl looks at them and frowns. "Medusa was the woman, and her generals name was Zen." Kai and the girl say in sync. They then look at each other and blink. "How did you know?" Kai asks confused. "Arent you just a slave?" He asks. The girl frowns. "I have a name. And i know because i heard it from the local villagers." She says, seemingly annoyed at his comment. "Zen is Medusa's first hand general. He serves her, and has destroyed many villages and continents. Medusa had taken over the three kingdoms, shes ruling the nation." The girl explains to Tatsuya. Kais eye twitches. This SLAVE knew just about as much as him! That alone was nearly insulting, considering how slaves where not supposed to be  educated at all! He didn't like this girl, he had a feeling there where a few things she wasn't telling them about...

Tatsuya on the other hand loved the thought of a new member of his team. "You should join us!" He says happily. The girl and Kai blink in supprise. "huh?" The girl asks, confused. Kai glares at Tatsuya. "Yeah! im looking for my sister Mira, and Kai is helping me! Do you want to come too?" He asks happily. Tatsuya was the kind of person who... well lets just say he was a doer not a thinker.  "So your trying to find Mira?" The girl asks. Tatsuya and Silver blink, then both their eyes light up. "Yeah do you know her?!" Silver asks excited. "A girl with long white hair and a cloak fed an apple to a young girl next to me. She said her name was Mira." She says. Tatsuya grins happily. "Thats great! you should come with us!" He says happily. The girl stays quiet for a bit, then answers. "My name is Sanada. I will join you on your quest." 

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