Chapter Seven: Classes

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-Eight Years Old-


"Today I'm starting my training!" I announced to Max.

"I know. So am I."

"Oh, right. Sorry. But this is exciting!"

"True. Come on, we'll be late."

Myself and Max ran through the portal, holding hands.


"Alecxis! Be careful where you throw your ice shards." my gym teacher said angrily.


"Keep going!" he yelled.

I shriveled back but continued. Later on, we did a few practice battles.

"Alecxis and Max! You are up!" the teacher shouted.

I gulped.

"Three. Two. One. FIGHT!"

He shouts too much. I thought.

"Icicle Storm!" I created a storm of ice shards and shot them at Max.

"Thunder Bolt!"  {Had to. For those who recognize this move, I love Pikachu.}

I dodged.

"Fiery Hell!" I made a huge ball of fire and threw it into the sky, shooting fire all around and creating a fiery surrounding.

"Tsunami Storm!" Max drew water from all around him and formed it into a huge wave, putting out all the fire.

"Lightning Storm." I threw a lightning bolt at the water.

Max jumped up high then disappeared.

"What the?" I glanced from place to place.

Max crept up behind me and grabbed my wrists, pinning me to the ground.

"Get! OFF!" my body turned into air.  Max fell to the ground.

I solidified and placed a a foot on Max's back, preventing him from getting up.

"Alecxis wins!" the gym teacher shouted even louder than before.

I held out a hand to Max.

"Thanks." he said, taking it.

"Well, that was... Different." I told him.



"Mam! Dad! I won my first match in school!" I shouted happily.

"Well done Alex." Ciran congratulated me.

"Thanks dad."

""Who did you fight?" my mom asked.

"Max." I replied.




It was the next day and I was sitting in my classroom.

"Ok class. Today is like a history class on magic." Mrs Moon announced. {Sorry. I'm so bad at picking surnames.} "Us magic users who live in this dimension protect humans on Earth from anything bad. Excluding robberies and that. We stop invasions and major destruction. Only those who are part of Headquarters can do so. All the other Earths and dimensions and worlds have their own protectors so we only worry about Earth."

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