chapter 1:new boy:)

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leane p.o.v


calasia:ok moma

leane:where you been at ,because I've been.sitting on this got damn porch for about 2hours waiting for you!

calasia:moma you know where I was at

leane:over at lil boys house

calasia:no I was over lanaes (lies)

leane:girl ill smack the Shit out of you its damn near 12:00am now get in the the house eat,wash up,and get yo ass in the bed

calasia:ok moma

end of p.o.v

calasia p.o.v

calasia knew she had to lie to her moma cause she will act bulk wild calasia still a virgin and she wants to keep it that way but her moma doesn't believe her so the next morning she did her daily routine and put her hair in a high ponytail with a red bow then she put on some red forever 21 jeans and a red Hollister shirt with her sparkly red converses and went downstairs grabbed her Shit and went out on the bus stop and 5min later tayon walks around the corner

tayon:damnnn that ass is fat but Ats my baby though

calasia:hey babe I had fun with you

Tayon:yea bet you did all we do was talk and. Shit

calasia:Shut up

*tayon hugs calasia from the back*

tayon:you look pretty today

calasia:stop before my moma comes out here and see us

tayon:you still havent told her about us?

calasia:no I don't wanna get in trouble

tayon:mane,didn't you say you do your own thang and nobody controls you

calasia:no I said I do my own thang and nobody controls me except my mama


(a boy came around the corner ,calasia never seen him before he was all swagged up  pretty hair that goes to his back ,and his eye color caught calasias eye it was hazel green ah pretty color)

calasia:hi what's your name??

dre:my name dre

tayon:Wassuph you new here??

dre:yup juss came from California

tayon:welp welcome to Atlanta

dre:thanks and shawty what's yo name??

calasia:its calasia:)

tayon:and I'm her boyfriend

dre:Awh sorry I didn't know

calasia:you ight

(the bus pulled up calasia got on and went to the back with her girls and rode too school)

end of p.o.v

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