chapter 33: to think about it

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calasia p.o.v

so i was going to see ms.dina today cause i want to see how she doing cause last time i seen her was about two weeks ago so i hopped up and got in the shower and washed up for 45min it was about 10:27a.m and got out and i went in my closet and grabbed my black and pink basketball shorts and my white wife beater and my jordan sandals my hair was ok so i just put oil sheen on it and i grabbed my black satchel purse and my pink jacket and went downstairs and grabbed me a mini pack of oreos and 2 caprisuns and a bag of doritos and sunchips and locked the door and as i was walking i felt as if someone was watching me so i turned around and nobody was right there so i kept on walking with a little wobble and then my phone started to ring and i picked it up and diamond flashed across

phone convo

calasia:*answers it* hello

diamond:bitchhhhhh guess what


diamond:theres a rumor going around saying that tayon still alive girll they saying he faked his death

calasia:girlll its just a rumor

diamond:think about it...he had a closed casket at his funeral we didnt even get to go to the burial site pluss in the wait it was a closed casket girlll juss think about it

calasia:im not going to think about cause its a rumor and i dont believe rumors

diamond:and the last time you didnt believe a rumor yo ass got cheated on and the ex killed his self and if it is real dont come to me saying you sorry cause ima juss laugh at yo ass feeling salty

calasia:ok mf ttyl

diamond:bye *hangs up*

end of convo

i juss stood there for a min cause it may be true or not so i juss shook it off and walked to ms.dina

end of p.o.v

dres p.o.v

so i was at my mamas house she was fussing at me and shit about calasia still i guess she really do miss her and the first time my moma met brianna my moma shook her head at her and walked away and after i dropped brianna off and went back to my momas she smacked the shit out of me saying im stupid as hell for breaking up with calasia...i was heated but anyways my moma still fussing about brianna being pregnant

ms.dina: the fuck you mean she pregnant nigga *throws a book at him*

dre:*dodge the book* you and calasia with this throwing shit but im juss now finding out

ms.dina: ok ima juss leave it alone baby but when calasia kill yo ass i wont give a fuck

dre:(0__o) but i know its not mines cause we only fucked once and i used a condom so she had to cheat or some shit cause

ms.dina:*gives him that bitch a hoe look* nigga i told yo ass a billion of times shes a hoe and you said noo noo shes not she faithful and loyal...boy havent you learned these hoes aint loyal child


ms.dina:moma my ass

*doorbell rings and dre opens the door*


end of p.o.v

to be continued:)

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