Chapter 53:hes Ok

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Calasia p.o.v

So I walked in the room and looked to my right and turned immediatley ms.dina hugs me I can tell by the look in her eyes she been crying and some of the family got up and hugged and then ms.dina made this little girl move juss so I could sit by her and when we sat down she grabbed my hand and gripped it tight I could momas stressing the. She looked at me and smiled

Calasia:moma what happened

Ms.dina:i dont know what happend all I know is at 1:25a.m I got a call saying my baby got shot *tears start forming* I juss dont want to lose him

Calasia:*hugs her* moma dont cry its gonna,be ight we just have to pray

Ms.dina: I know baby you dre and my grand daughter is all I got I dont wanna lose neither of yall

Calasia: I dont wanna lose you either

And we sat in there and at 3:47a.m the doctor walked in and asked could he speak to ms.dina in private and 10min later she walked in with a smile on her

Ms.dina:*Speaks loud* the doctor said the got the bullet out of his arm some of his tissue is teared so they had to sudate him for the night so he wont tear it or rip cause it will cause major trauma to the arm but they said he should be out in two or three days so yall may leave

And after she said that I woke diamond up and hugged ms.dina and left and when I got back to the house trey was up he hugged me and asked me what happened and shit and I told him and I gave him a goodnight kiss and took my ass to bed!!

End of p.o.v

~Next Morning~

Dre p.o.v

So all I remember is hearing gun shots and I started running and I felt pain in my arm and I started noticing blood and I past out but now a nigga ok I juss got this massive ass headache and moma came to see me earlier at 7:26 a.m but im juss layed back but I heard a voice say "knock knock" and I turn to see calasia mane her hair is cute but she look like a got damn blueberry but a cute one but she had on some purple and black basketball shorts with a black wife beater and some black house shoes on with her big ass round belly im suprised she dont have stretch marks but my baby still flawless with em or not but in her hand she had this big ass teddy bear like a life size one with a big ass card and 3balloons that say "get well soon my love" they was cute but then she sat my stuff down and hugged me

Calasia: So tell me what happened

Dre:close and lock the door and turn up the tv

Calasia:ok *does what dre said*

Dre:so me and my nigga dlow making drops or whatever and I guess a nigga set me and him up and we heard gun shots so we started running but as I was running I felt pain in my arm and I saw bloid and I past out

Calasia:now see you knew what you were getting yo dumb ass Into

dre:i know what i get myself into its been like that for months now shit...matterfact whens my daughter due

calasia: september the 12th or the 11th i dont remember and since you talking shit and trynna get smart when yo ass get out tonight pick me up at 7:03a.m mf for my doctors appointment i gotta see why i throw up blood sometimes

dre: ummmm.....what you been doing to my baby

calasia:nothing dumbass what makes you think ill fuck another nigga while im pregnant

dre:i didnt say that but now to think about the shit...have you?

calasia: get the fuck out of here dre with the bullshit why would i do the shit i mean trey aint been bugging my ass for it so why ask and he told me he'll wait on me till im ready to do the shit cuase he dont wanna disrespect me!!

dre:i still dont trust the nigga

calasia:why dre..why dont you trust trey

dre:because he works for the enemy so i dont fucking like him plus i dont want him to be around my daughter i seen what the nigga posted on instagram.

calasia:soo boy

Dre:tf you mean so

Calasia:(catches a attitude) wtf ever dre...BYE *leaves and slams the door*

After she left I layed back till they was ready to give me my release papers

End of p.o.v

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