They said yes!

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"You guys," I whined. "This is stupid."

Three gigantic hands were placed over my eyes which was kinda silly since one hand was enough for my undeniably tiny head. I'm just glad Cam's hand was the first hand pressed to my skin.

No offense to Thomas but even that boy doesn't know where his hands have been. Mike, on the other hand, I'd bet has touched a hundred girls' hands just this morning.

"We got you."

"Yeah we got this, you don't even need to worry."

"Don't you trust us?"

The same time they said this, someone-probably Thomas, tripped over a step and we paused. I could imagine Cam glaring at Thomas and Mike laughing it off.

I felt them start to move again so I followed suit. "My bad." Thomas said sheepishly.

I knew it.

After a few more steps to I-don't-know-where, I asked "Where are we even going?"

"You'll see." Mike chirped.

"But you said talk, I don't get why you need to kidnap me."

We stopped moving and I can only assume they looked at each other for an answer.

"Um," Cam started. "It's not kidnap if you're willingly coming with us."

I scoffed, "Willingly. Yeah, ok."

"We're so close Ivy, just a few more steps. Promise." Thomas added taking a step forward without warning. I felt one hand lift away from my face before it returned back again.

"Oops." Thomas muttered quietly. "Did you just call me Ivy?" I asked skeptically.

"Yeah." Cam answered, "Mike said that that was your thing and we wanted a thing too."

"But all we could think of was Noah's match." Thomas continued. "And Cam said that'd be stupid."

By Noah's match, they obviously didn't mean like his romantic partner or something. But more on 'a person who can put Noah in his place'. 

"What do you think?"

The corners of my lips lift up into a smile, "I don't know Cam, I kind of like Noah's match." I joked.

"Really?" The three of them exclaimed and I automatically laugh at their response. "No, not really. I'd rather be called Ivy than have 'Noah' in my nickname."


Awhile ago when Thomas said 'a few more steps' he literally meant a few more steps or should I say a corner. We rounded a corner and that's when we finally stop walking.

I thought one of them tripped again but they don't say anything. We just stand there in silence while I waited for them to say we reached our destination.

"Um are we ther-"

All three hands drop and a blinding light consumes my vision. I squint for a bit while my eyes were adjusting to the light aka sun. After blinking a few times, an image forms in front of me.

Noah was leaning on his black ferrari with his arms crossed, a blank look on his face as he glanced at me. He pushed himself off the car when he realized we were there.

He's alive. He's actually alive.

I don't know what came over me but I rushed to him and threw myself at him. My legs wrapped around his waist and it took him a second to process what just happened before he secured me with his arms.

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