The kids playing

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Erica woke up to her three kids niya myra and aaron calling her name.

She automatically knew that they just wanted to go out side she got up and said "yall no yall cant go out side unless you eat breakfast".

They for get that every day. They all ran downstairs to the kitchen and quickly made something quick like cereal and oatmeal.
After they all ran to put on there swim wear and ran straight to the pool.when they got in the pool the played a lil then got out . They then began 2 play hide&seek niya was it, she than began to search and she found myra so they both searched for aaron.

Myra said "He is really good at this game".
After awhile niya said "i quit you can come out now". He didnt come so they decide 2 play something else together without him.Hours and hours went by and he was still hiding.
It then began to get dark so Erica shouted out the door "Its time to come in for dinner".

The two girls came in and sat at the table.Erica looked around confused.
She said "wait were is Aaron".
They both strugged there shoulders so

Erica replied in a angry tone "what you mean you dont no where is my son".


Niya said we was playing hide&seek and we told him we quit but he wouldnt listen".

"So you just left him"?

"Yes he was playing to much"

"No thats your little brother you dont do that"

"Im sorry mom".
Erica then ran out side to look for him but no luck.Erica assumed He prolly just went over Lisa house and said I'll just call her in the morning now yall get done and gone on to bed.

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