Chapter 8: Re- Appear (Part 2)

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(Unedited, 1st draft)

Chapter 8:Re-Appear (Part 2)

Staring down an empty hallway unsure on what to think about Ryan being back. I knew that we have left on okay terms but something about seeing him again stock an uneasy feeling inside me. We never discuss what would happen once he found out where Connor and I had run off to.

Knowing there wasn't much more I could do. I walked over to the stairs since he had taken my service key and wasn't able to use the elevator. I finally got down to the bottom floor; I went into the office to see Ella still heated from her fight with Ryan. "Can you believe the nerve of that guy showing up here uninvited."

I never told her about the deal I had made with Ryan that night in my bedroom, "Yes well, he's here now and knows where I'm at. He wants to go to breakfast with him in a moment."

"No, it's a trap." She screamed, getting to her feet. "He's just going to get under your skin and cause all kinds of trouble for you. Then before you know it your father will be here, and it will cause even more problems."

"What?" I could tell she was hiding something with the way her eyes kept shifting back and further as she spoke. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

That's when she hung her head and looked assumed, "He's been here before. One of the last times he was here, I found him in the office looking through paperwork. When I confronted him about it, he simply said he was trying to get more information about who you were."

"He did mention that he had been here before and tried to figure out who I was, but nothing about snooping around in our office," I reply thinking if maybe he had figured out where I was before my father had helped him.

"Yes, I normally stay out of him limelight, but once he saw me; it was like a light went off in his head. I think he recognized me but I didn't think much about it." She confused now shaking her head, "The way he smiled and just got up and walked away without saying anything; I knew something was up. I never told you because when he's been here your parents normally plan a trip for you to come home."

"Yes normally, they do, but it's my mother who calls and asked to come back home. It was my father who had hacked into the server and booked everything. I'm not even sure if my mother is aware that Ryan is here right now." thinking about what she said and how Ryan might have figured it out, without that full help from my father.

"So what are you going to do now. You can't let him around Conner. He'll only mess with that boy's head."

"Yes while Ryan and I have a deal, and I have to keep my end of the deal." thinking how everything now sensed upside down at the moment and feeling unsure about what's to come. "Do you think you could handle everything here for the day while I figure out what to do?"

"Yes, just don't let him play any tricks on you like he used to do when we were kids. I am not afraid to beat his sorry ass right off the island if I have to either." She replies crossing her arms over her chest.

"While, Ryan took my room key, so I don't have my phone on me. If there an emergency it's going to have to wait until I get back. Which there's no telling, what time that could be." Now feeling nervous about this little outing.

That's when Ella jumped to her feet, "Why in the hell did he take your room key. He can't come in here and think he can do whatever it is he pleases."

"Clam down, I can handle Ryan. I just need you to be able to control everything here."

"That I can do. I just don't trust him being here after all this time." She then sat back down about the same time there was a knock on the door. "it's open."

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