Chapter 2

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                                                                          ********** Colette**********

When I went down father was waiting for me .My family was both Fairs but, father said that was gonna change when I was born. He beamed at me when I courtesy.

"Now this is a young lady that I'm proud of !" He grinned. However he frowned.

"Is Layla overslept again?!" Father growled.

"Yes, daddy! I tried to wake her but... you know how improper she is." Father mummer " Let's just wish she made it to fair!"

Suddenly, my mother, Brooklyn Mason said, " Thomas! How dare you badger your own daughter! She may not be beautiful like our Goddess Colette. But... she has a good heart and is a genius in my opinion,"

Father sighed and said, "Beauty is all that matters at In, Brook. You know that,"

I know that I'll be the hero of this family. If everything goes as I want to today, then Daddy won't have to bother working as a interior designer, or mom have to bother waking up early to take care of other people's houses.

While we almost finished a our breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries Layla then flew down the stairs.

"I'm sorry I'm late! Is there any more breakfast left?" Layla glared at me her mosey brown hair still tangled with her blue dress all wrinkled.

Geez! What's her problem.


"I have some blueberry oatmeal for you sweetie! And you look great!" Mom said sweetly. Mom,

I heard Colette mummer, "She's decent," and father, "Not like Colette."

I sighed. Dad was nice but, he favors Colette more than me. Just then mother came in with my breakfast. "Thanks mom!" and dived in. At the corner of my eyes I saw Colette looking at me in disgust and dad shaking his head.

Colette stood up and said politely, "I'm gonna go to the Performance Theaters now. Bye, mom and dad."and walked out the door.

An awkward silence filled the room. After 7 minutes I quickly ate and grabbed my cloak. "Bye!"

I yelled and raced out the door.

Since 2057, there been a shortage of oil, and only the rich uses cars. So nowadays, we use horses. "Hi, Harper!" I greeted my brown horse. She neighed back in return. I petted her mane and told her, "Today's the Beauty Pageant Day!" and saddled up. i checked the church bell. 9:00! The pageant starts at 9:15! I usually take the main Road but, today I had to use the abandon road.

As I was galloping across the road, I stared at birds and naming them. "That's a robin,that's a blue jay, and that's a chi-"

"WATCH OUT!" a voice yelled at me and interrupting my thought. Then BAM! I was knocked off of Harper.

"Are you okay?" a husky voice asked.

"AM I OKAY? I WAS KNOCKED OFF MY HORSE! HOW DARE YOU! I'M GONNA KI-" then I saw a guy with curly brown hair, chiseled face, blue eyes, and skinny body.

Prince Alistair.

"I never had a girl yell at me before," he said amusingly in a husky voice.

"I'm s-o-o s-o-r-r-y! Are you okay?! I just thought this road was abandoned and didn't see you coming!" I stammered.

"I thought this road was abandoned too,till see this girl on a horse, racing towards me," he laughed.

I blushed. Then I remember my horse. "Harper! Is my horse okay?" I asked.

"Your hairs is in ruin, and you ask if your horse okay?" he laughed until he saw my face. "Oh, she's okay."

"Thank you. Now I must be going, Prince Alistair." I curtsied and left on Harper, thinking about him the whole way.

                                                                             **********Colette ***********

As I was excused from the table I grabbed my white cloak. As I went to the Stable to grab my horse a gentle breeze blew filling my nose with flower scents.

Piper my white horse was waiting for me. Father had gotten it for me when I was born since he thought I deserved the perfect horse and he was right.Piper was the perfect horse.

I stroked her mane. Harper,Layla's horse next doors started neighing. stop that! I scowled. She must had knew today was a special day and was trying to ruined it. When I finally finished saddling Piper up I was nervous, though.

Giddy up! Than the fear was gone as I rode Piper to my future kicking dust at my past.

The theater was crowded with young 17 years old girls when I finally hooked up Piper. Many were pushing and shoving! How improper! Suddenly, a girl with mousy brown hair in a yellow dress tripped me into an arms of a stranger.

"Watch your arms!" I exclaimed to the stranger.

A melodic voice absolutely amused said " well, when a beautiful girl crash into your arms it might be the girl not the prince's fault!"

PRINCE! Staring at me with his godlike face was Prince Daniel FUTURE KING OF COAM! Also, one of the judges for the pageant...  

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