Chapter 3

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 ************ Layla************

When I arrived at the theater it was 9:12. I looked around for a comb, and a Colette. I saw lots of girl with tons of makeup, chandeliers of jewelry, and frills, but no Colette.Where was that girl?!? I finally saw a comb, that I could use and a mirror. I did look like a mess. I quickly comb it as I saw a pink dress.

Colette was mummering, "Hand-an-some, future husband,a Prince and I'm a disgrace!" and her eyes were clouded with worry. Till she looked at me.

"No! You're a disgrace!" Colette said looking at me. I looked at the floor. "Your dress is covered with DIRT!Let me help you," then she began dusting my dress. She's not all that bad. "Anyway, you looked better than yesterday." Or not.

"Hey, what were you mumbling about?" I asked her. She blushed.

"I wasn't mumbling! Go see the ear doctor!" She said embarrassed.

What would make Colette Mason embarrassed? Nothing until now.

Then I heard the announcement," May all the maiden get on stage for the pageant,". My heart leaped. This was it. The girls rushed behind me, pushing my foreword.

*********Colette **********

My heart was beating so loud that I was sure Layla could had heard it.

You can do this Colette! You are graceful and beautiful. Even Prince Daniel said that! I blushed as I thought of the prince. He was so dashing and polite. Too bad I ran away.

As I climbed the steps I glance at Layla. Her hair was slightly messy and there was dirt on her shoes.

I quickly sped up so, no one would have thought we were sister. A woman at the backstage appeared out of nowhere suddenly to give a sign that read 56th.

I signed.This was gonna be a looooong day.

Then a booming was heard. King Herald!

"Before we start showing off this beautiful girl I'll like to say thank you for visiting! Your daughters will be chosen to be in the Beautiful or the Fair or the Uglys. The Beautifuls are rich, gentle, ladylike and of course beautiful. This is rare. The Fair is decent looking. They will live normally forever. This is super common so, please don't be displeased at this choice. The Uglies are.. well... let's not talk about the uglies! Up on the royal Panel is Me, Queen Holly and my daughter Eleonora ."

A beautiful woman stepped up and a girl with ringlets of brown wearing a green dress courtesy.

Then the king continued. "We also have my sons Alistair and Daniel!" The theater immediately was filled with screams as prince ALlister bowed with Daniel. Alister was cute but Daniel was... gorgeous. "NOw all girls please go onto the stage?" announced the king.


As the king was talking I stole a glance to prince Alistair. He smiled and then laughed. I sent a quizzical look. He pointed at my shoes, I looked down. Oh my god! Dirt covered my shoes! I silently mouthed, "It's your fault," and he laughed. He understand? I bent down to wipe away the dirt. Then I heard, "Number 54 please stand up." I blushed and stood up. He looked at me and then continued. I saw Colette inching farther and farther away from me. and on national television! I felt like crying. Why me?! Alistair smiled at me sadly.

Then the king told us we'll meet with a lady who will tell us when we go on, "Please welcome..........Mistress Rosemary!". An elegant and beautiful woman with windblown black hair walked into the spotlight. She had slender and skinny arms and a curvy body. She was wearing a violet sheath gown that matched her eyes and sparkling diamond jewelry. She was the prettiest woman I've ever seen.

"I'm Mistress Rosemary," she said sternly in a melodic voice.

******** Colette *******

Wow. I said as I peeked out from behind the curtains. Mistress Rosemary was beautiful! Anyway, I scanned the people around me. Thank the gods Layla wasn't here! Did she try to embarrassed me on purpose?! I just wish nobody knew I was her sister...

" Number 54 was 56's sister!I can totally believe that!" laughed a girl.

As I turned around ready to give the girl a piece of my mind when the king said, "Number 1 please step up front!"

The girl then whirled away before I can catch a glimpse of her. So, it begins.


"20..32....45...53...." the king called. Finally, it was mine turn. I stepped into the bright spotlight.

"Please walk down the walkway, Miss.Mason." Mistress Rosemary said.

I nodded and walked down it slowly smiling shyly. The queen whispered something into prince Alastair's ear. "Please do a pose!" the king said.

"What the heck?!" I thoughted. But, I put my hand at my hip and smiled. Prince Alistair whispered something to his brother. Were talking about how ugly I am? I turned and walked quickly back.

"Number 55!" the king yelled.


I groaned at the sight of Layla! Why the hand on the hip! Everybody did that! How unoriginal! Though, her smile makes her look sweet.Then, it was time.

"Number 56," shouted the king!

"Ms. Mason walk down the walkway, please," Mistress Rosemary said.

As my blond hair flew behind me as I smiled brightly to prince Daniel. Than for a split second he winked. I almost lost my balance but, then I regain posture and continue. When it was time for my pose I put both my hands up and smiled to the crowd.

Turning my body I confidently walked back as my golden hair trailed behind. If Daniel believe I can do it, I can! Piece of cake.


Colette looked like she's a princess. I sighed. I'll be lucky to even make Fair. After 76 it was time.

Ladies and gentleman! May all girl step out onto the stage?" The king asked.

The girl mostly ran out to the stage.

"So number 14,Kayla Tucker,3,Ally Baker,45,Maddie Scott,26, Heather Smith,39, Renta Morgan,55, Serena White,69,Mariah Young,71, Jenna King and 74, Shawna Ellie, you're..........Uglys." the king said with fake sympathy.

I heard the girls in front crying into arm or trying to blink away tears. I felt like I was dying.

"Ok, please step off the stage!" the king asked. They did. "and numbers 56, Colette Mason,1,Daisy Darla,24,Chloe Ho,31,Irene Stark,19,Sophie Farlyers, 35, Christina Larks,46,Dianna Priya,66,Gloria Rover,35. Winter Dilla and last 54, Layla Mason,"

I stepped into the spotlight with all those pretty girls, including Colette.

"you're Beautiful's!" He cheered.

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