Chapter 4

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Layla! Even though I was glad I was Beautiful Layla wasn't! Why did they choose her! My friend Grace Hardison was suppose to be beautiful not my plain sister.

I could see the crowd was having the same thoughts at Layla.

"She's so plain," or "Beautiful more like fair!" or "My daughter is MUCH more beautiful,"

Than I glance to my fellow Beautifuls. All weren't as plain as my sister at all! The person next to me was a beautiful girl with her brown piled up on her head. She wore a beautiful yellow dress with black gloves that brought out her blue eyes.

Than I realize who she was, Daisy Darla! She was the girl that tripped me and laughed at me! Too bad I was on stage with a crowd. I would have pushed her.

Next to her was Chloe Ho. With Wavy dirty blonde hair and red dress she might hadn't made but, she did! Than I notice how beautiful her green- almond shaped eyes were and her smile. Anyway, she still was prettier than Layla!

After her was Irene Stark a small girl. Her glossy black hair was all in one side and her chocolate brown eyes sparkled. Her dark blue dress with white gloves made her looked slim and graceful. She was truly a Beautiful.

Even, though Layla might not be beautiful the girl next might be second. Sophie Faralya. She also had blond hair but, it was messy putted up in a bun. Plus her light green dress looked like boogers. However her purple eyes was dazzling like her pearl smile. She also looked like she was Super Elegant. I scoffed. None yet was truly worthy (Maybe Daisy Darla and Irene Stark) because they all had flaws until I saw Christina Larks.

She was tall and slim. Her wavy brown hair looked smooth and glossy. she was wearing a ruby necklace with a red dress. Her eyes remind my of the sky. She was just as worthy as me. I grinned.

Then I saw a girl talking to the girl next to her. Diana Priya and Gloria Rover. Diana had big blue eyes and long eyelashes. Her hair was flaming orange that matches her shimmering red and orange dress, while Gloria was different. She had a pale skin tone, long straight black hair,topaz eyes, and a pale white dress. Gloria looked like a vampire bride. She at least looked better my sister.

Then I saw a girl. She was elegant yet, beautiful. Melody Winter.She had rich auburn hair(yet greasy),a grape purple dress, and a sparkly blue headband, and she was talking to my sister?! Melody shouldn't be talking with her! Layla didn't fit in with any of us. It's was job to kick her off the Beautifuls.


After the girls were all listed a gorgeous girl came over to talk to me.

"Hi!" the girl said cheerfully. "I'm Melody Winter! And you're Layla Mason, nice to see you.

"Hi," I said shyly. One look at her and I know you didn't fit in. "You look beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as your sister, Colette Mason? I saw her and she looked like shes a princess!"

I sighed, "My sister is probably mad at me. She knows I am not beautiful like her and yet, I still made it in the Beautiful."

She frowned. "Please don't judge me but, I wonder how you made it to the Beautifuls. Not that you aren't pretty but, you know..."

"I'm gonna ask the princes ok? Be right back," I told.

After the king finally listed all the fair I immediately ran.

As I ran out the backstage I heard people say, "That's the girl that was suppose to be Fair!" Next thing I know, cameras were following me. When I arrived at the judge's table, people were swarming the princes,king, and queen, asking, "why Layla Mason?", "Did you made the right choice?" I pushed through the crowd and saw the guards.

"I need to see the princes!" I told them.

"You're Layla Mason, right?" I nodded. He let me through. As I came near I heard the king arguing with Alistair,

"Your choice is making people angry! I told you! Layla should have been at most a Fair or a Ugly!" the king was saying. "I know but, Layl-" Then Alistair turned around to see me running.

******* Collette*******

Reporters swarm around me. Most of this days we don't have tv or radio. But, we do have newspaper.

" Collette Mason how do you feel having your plain sister being in the Beautifuls? Did you think the judges made a mistake?" the reporter from COAM Daily question.

I just smiled and said sweetly "It's a delight! I knew she could had made it even though she is a bit plain ," However inside I felt like murdering Layla!

Today was suppose to my day not Layla! How could she!

Cameras flash as I tried to find my parents. If both of us were Beautiful we would move into the Mansion of Beauty next week.

How could Layla not be Fair! This is sooo unfair! (A:N Sorry. I had to do it)Than I saw my father with my mother. He was shaking hands with reporter and smiling into the Camera. As I got closer to heard what he was saying my heart stopped.

"...Layla was always as beautiful as my Colette! We always knew that they BOTH be beautiful, I was a fair and my wife was a fair.Combine we make Beautiful children! Layla has beautiful..." that was all that I need to hear.

Layla and Beautiful never was suppose to be in the same sentence. That,I would make sure to never ever happen again.


I didn't want to be something I ain't. As I galloped away with Harper, All I could hear were the complaint in my head. "I wasn't suppose to be Beautiful," I thought as the cold,hard truth rolled down my face. (She meant tears...METAPHORS)

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