Chapter 8

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"Colette," I asked,"are you ok?" I asked.

She laughed. Colette laughed? Someone was in a good mood. "Are you getting a dress too? I just saw the note and I came running out."

"Of course you're excited to go shopping, want to come with me? I could use a little bit of advice,"

"You gonna need A LOT of advice you mean," She joked I laughed. Before I knew it I was shopping with my sister. We pasted a ice cream vendor and I begged her to get some. Ice cream was an expensive thing, but we didn't have Black Cards. Now we do.

"BRAIN FREEZE!" I yelled and clutch my brain, "it's turning me into a dumb brunette!" Colette snickered.

"You shouldn't be eating your strawberry ice cream as fast,"

"And you aren't eating your vanilla low-fat frozen yogurt with 0% calories as quickly? Did you see the face when you ordered that?! Hilarious!"

"Anyway, we are here at Monica's Boutique. You wanna shop here or the dumpster for your usual clothes," I punched her on the arm lightly.

"Hello! My name is Gladys, do you need anything?" a pretty girl with cloudy grey eyes.

"Yes, can you help my sister shop for something pretty? We're going to the Welcoming ball and she need something unique.Make it a surprise for me Layla."said Colette and then rushed off. So much for sister bonding time.

That afternoon, I was a dress up doll. We at least tried 20 pairs of dresses, but nothing seem right. Then, I saw familiar face. Melody!

"Hi, Layla! You're shopping for a gown right? And who is this?" Melody asked.

"This is Gladys and she's helping me choose a dress. Those this look good?" I twirled a magenta gown. Melody frowned.

"Gladys, I trust you to dress up Layla and you make her wear that? Go get me..... that dress! The shimmering white one!"

Gladys grabbed a shimmering, pearl white ball gown, off the hook and argued, "But, her skin tone is already pale enough and we need something to contrast her skin so she stands out so we should get a darker color,"

Melody ignored Gladys advice. "Perfect! Now Layla, I want you to put on that dress and don't look in the mirror not matter what."

"Why I ask?" I asked. she just wink. After I putted on the dress Melody cheered. "Perfect! Now just need to do your hair, than we need to buy this pretty white hair pin and those blue high heels. and then we'll put on the sapphire necklace you wore for the pageant, You do have it right?" I nodded. "

"Ok, that all we need, I'll come over to your room at 8:30 to do your hair." I left the store without the faintest idea of how I looked. But, I trusted Melody.


As soon as I dropped off Layla I tried to find Royal Looks. As I rushed around I couldn't help stopping at every store. The "mall" was a huge building full of stores. I could understand why it was just for "Beautifuls," everything was just too expensive and beautiful for common people. After about 20mins I found Royal Looks. This store definitely stood out. The gowns and dress were all 20$ and more. They also had sparkling jewelry that shine. The store was all empty which struck me as weird . I couldn't speak for a moment. This was definitely a place where royalty got their clothes. Then a strict woman came rushing at me!

" Madem! Did you not see the sign that said royalty only!" snapped her. Her nametag said, Mrs.Yorks,

I began to stammer. Why did Daniel sent me here. Then I remember the letter.

As I fumbled with my purse Mrs.York's, continue to shout at me to leave. I knew that we were gathering a crowd.

Finally, I found it at the very bottom.

"Here," I said breathless.

She snatched the letter from my hands. Her face went from angry to well shocked.

"Darn Dan! Well than If this the case come on in. Don't stand there all day," she murmured.

Snatching my letter back I flipped my hair and strode into the store feeling on top of the world and leaving the crowd murmuring." Who was the girl?"


I must had stayed there for 2 hours. but, It didn't felt like it. I tried dress after dress as Mrs. York's helped me and gave suggestions.

Not that I admit it but, she had a eye for fashion even though she's really old and cranky. In the end she got me the most beautiful gown

" Silk John Leger Off Shoulder Bandage Gown size medium light blue," she pronounced proudly as she hold it up.

I couldn't help staring at it.

"Well kid? Like it? It's the newest dress I got," she smiled.

" That's perfect," I manage to say. She grinned Afterward, was jewelry. She picked out a sparkling crystal necklace that sparkled. Then a crystal earrings.

"Kid you looked like a princess," said Mrs.Yorks as I paid for all this stuff.

"All you need is some shoes & hair and you're ready to meet Prince Daniel," she grinned.

"Thank you," I whisper. She sniffed.

"Kid .It's my job to make you beautiful. Now go find your shoes!"

As I left I became to think. Did I really looked like a princess that's good enough for Prince Daniel?


"Hello!" Colette she cheered at she came into my room then she stopped, she stared at Melody. I freaked out. Why was Colette staring?

"Melody winter, you are a......MAGICIAN! How did you make Layla look like a Beautiful? And that dress!"

At 8;30 Melody had come over and helped me get ready. She had put my hair in a dutch braid and had put a silver hair pin of a flower. She had me put on the dress without looking in the mirror again. We had searched through the boxes until she found my necklace. The only problem was that the high heels make my feet feel uncomfortable. How was I supposed to dance in this feet killer?

"How do I look?" I questioned.

"Like a goddess, and Melody you don't look half bad yourself!"

Melody had came into my room wearing ruby jewelry and a blood red dress.

Melody smiled. "But,wait until you see me!" Colette challenged.

Wow. as Colette twirled her dress all I could think is wow. Melody had help her do a vintage curl, and Colette had put on a light blue dress that matched her shoes. She was also wearing glittering jewelry that shone in the light. I was shocked. Colette could be a princess.

"You look like the princess but, prettier," I gushed.

She smiled. "Melody, I think Layla should look at herself what do you think?"

Melody smiled and silently whispered, "Go on."

I rushed to the bathroom to look into the mirror. I froze. A girl with electrifying blue eyes and pale pink lips was staring at me. Her chocolate brown hair was in a dutch braid, and she was wearing a dove white, glittering dress. I looked into her eyes and saw a part of me I've never see before. She was Beautiful and she was me..

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