Over done

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Ice Bear walks along side Panda..he can't take his eyes off of him but he knows Panda won't notice...he never notices Ice Bear...no one does, but Ice Bear works so hard to be happy but it's difficult...Ice Bear is different...misunderstood...and alone. Ice Bear hasn't felt love this strong before and he knew he couldn't keep it inside forever but Ice Bear had to be patient he had to wait for the right moment...but Ice Bear didn't want to wait and he didn't want to be rejected like he knew he would be...Panda doesn't love Ice Bear and how could he Ice Bear was hollow, empty....Ice Bear was...cold all his life Ice Bear had never been cold but he was now and he started to shiver

"Woah bro are you okay?" Grizz asked as Ice Bear violently shivered his teeth chattering

Panda and Grizz quickly huddled around Ice Bear to keep him warm

"No...s-s-s-stay away...I-Ice Bear is...b-b-bad bear...deserves t-t-to be c-c-c-c-cold" Ice Bear said.

"No way dude you're the nicest guy I know and we're getting you home." Panda said

Ice Bear didn't want to but he couldn't help but blush a bit when Panda said that, and the others couldn't tell because of the chattering of teeth but Ice Bear was smiling.

Cold Cold Heart (Ice Bear X Panda)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin