Honest Hearts

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*Grizz's POV*
Grizz walked into Panda's room to see Ice Bear sleeping comfortably in Panda's bed.

"Aww he looks so peaceful." Grizz said quietly to himself (So he really did sleep in here)

Grizz set the soup on the Panda's bed side table and gently shook Ice Bear awake.

"Hey bro Panda made you some soup." Grizz softly whispered as to not startle Ice Bear

"Tell Panda Ice Bear says thank you." Ice Bear responded

"So how are you holding up pal?" Grizz asked as he sat on the bed next to him.

"Ice Bear not feeling well". Ice Bear crackled, due to his sore throat

"I can see that," Grizz said "but I meant on the inside you know...emotionally ."

"Ice Bear is okay" he muttered with tears swelling

"The heart reveals what smiles betray." Grizz stated as he wiped one of Ice Bear's tears.

"Ice Bear doesn't understand." Ice Bear said as he started to tremble.

"Your sad eyes gave you away, the heart is always honest so just tell me what's wrong." Grizz comforted Ice Bear with his wise words.

"Ice....Ice Bear is in love." Ice Bear stumbled on his words as he feared to show more emotion.

"With who?" Grizz questioned.

"Ice Bear cannot say." Ice Bear was firm in his words and he would not be moved.

"Is it Panda?" Grizz probed Ice Bear hoping he would crack

*Ice Bear's POV*

(How did he know? Ice Bear must keep his secret Ice Bear must respond with a simple no or Grizz may find out and tell Panda, Ruining Ice Bear's chance for good)

"No." Ice Bear's response was simple and firm.

"Okay." Grizz said as he got up to leave the room

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