The Date Part 6

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"Wh...what is Panda doing?" Ice Bear questioned

"I'm not sure...what should I be doing?" Panda flirted

Ice Bear tried to find the right words to say but he couldn't and even if he could he wasn't able to say anything he just sat in shock and anticipation for where Panda was taking this. Ice Bear's face was so red he could almost taste the tomato, he was made of lobster, there is not enough hyperbole to express how red Ice Bear was. Panda slowly moved his hand up Ice Bear's thigh as he started to blush, but he just couldn't wipe tee smirk off of his face it was just funny to him how Ice was responding and he loved it.

"I...Ice Bear not ready yet." Ice Bear mumbled barely squeezing the words out.

"Do you not want this?" Panda asked

"Ice Bear wants this...alot....but he's just not ready." Ice Bear was conflicted but he just couldn't do it right now later in the night, maybe but not now

"Oh...I'm sorry for being so forward." Panda apologized, he felt ashamed of he was giving into instincts

"I'm sorry for stopping you, you seemed to be having fun." Ice Bear apologized as well

"Wait...did you just refer to yourself in the first person?!" Panda was shocked he'd never heard Ice do that before

"Ice Bear does not think so." Ice Bear said

"Oh...guess it was nothing then." Pand said as he rested his head on Ice Bear's shoulder

(My phone got wet so I'm using a back up phone for this which is why the media thing is different but I'll change it ASAP)

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