A New Day

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Panda wakes up cuddling Ice Bear's arm. He feels the soft warm Bear next to him and he is happy and starts to fall back asleep until

"ACHOO!" Ice Bear sneezed

Panda got up and saw that Ice Bear was sick. Panda placed his paw under Ice Bear's head and stroked his fur gently with his other hand

"Are you okay bro?" Panda asked in a soft voice

"Ice Bear feels awful" Ice Bear responded

"Okay I'll take care of the cooking today, you just rest okay?" Panda said as he began to walk to the kitchen

"Ice Bear thanks you" Was the last thing Ice Bear said before returning to his slumber

Panda started take make some eggs for Grizz, but he wanted to do something special for Ice Bear (what should I make...soup? Yeah I'll make soup yummy soup for his cold.) Panda thought to himself as he salted the eggs.

"Oh hey bro what's up?" Grizz asked as he walked into the kitchen "You don't usually cook." Grizz said with confusion in his voice

"Well Ice is sick so I just thought I'd do his chores for him." Panda uttered nervously.

"Oh I get it you like him don't you" Grizz said with a smirk

"WHAT HOW DID YOU KNOW I..I mean no I don't." Panda shouted in surprise and fear of being judged.

"Oh come on man I see the way you look at him and the way you blush when he's around." Grizz said with a smile

"I...I don't know what you're talking about." Panda tried to cover up for his mistake but it was too late.

"Come one man it's nothing to be ashamed of he's a great guy and I completely understand how you could feel that way about him." Grizz tried to calm panda down with his words.

"I...I just don't know what to say to him or how but I know he doesn't like me back.." Panda's eyes started to water as he said that.

"How long have you felt this way?" Grizzly asked.

"No too long but I didn't feel this strongly about him until yesterday." Panda started to cry as he realized that his situation was hopeless.

"Hey man calm down okay I'll talk to him about it but just act natural for now okay." Grizz comforted Panda with a hug.

"Okay." Panda said with a light smile as he returned to cooking.

Cold Cold Heart (Ice Bear X Panda)Where stories live. Discover now