the tears

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*Ice Bear's POV*
As Ice Bear eats his soup he hears a noise coming for the cave and it sounds like (crying? Who is crying...wait it sounds like...Panda..but why is Panda crying did Ice Bear do something...Ice Bear made Panda cry didn't he....Ice Bear is a monster) Ice Bear thought as he himself had started crying. Ice Bear cried for Panda and thought that he had hurt him but he had to be quiet so no one would know. But then after what seemed like an eternity of depression and tears Panda came into the room.

"Hey bro" Panda said with sadness in his voice

"H-hi" Ice Bear said while trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

"Are you okay?" Panda asked.

"Ice Bear is fine." Ice Bear sobbed

As panda looked at Ice Bear he saw that the fur under his eyes was wet. Upon noticing this Panda took Ice Bear into his arms.

"Why were you crying?" Panda asked tenderly

"Because Panda was crying." Ice Bear replied "why was Panda crying?" Ice Bear asked

"I...uhm..I just broke up with my internet girl friend." Panda said

"Ice Bear sorry for you." Ice Bear said as he wrapped his arms around Panda. As they embraced each other they both slowly drifted off to sleep.

Cold Cold Heart (Ice Bear X Panda)Where stories live. Discover now