David/ Chick fil a

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A/N This is a one-shot based on the love that David has described towards Chick-fil-a in gallifreyanfairytale's Once On Instagram 1, 2, and 3.

It was beautiful. Oh, how the breaded chicken fell majestically on the bread. What beautiful collection of flavors all coming together to make one magnificent rainbow of taste.

Oh, here comes the ketchup, that slightly tangy taste mixing in with the rest of the orchestra.

What a joy it is to know such a taste. At least David thought so. He would have Chick-fil-a every day if Snow let him, but alas, his pleas were all in vain for Snow had decided this morning that she and David were going to be... Vegetarians!

Oh the horror and shame, the thought of a life without the sweet taste of a chicken sandwich was utter misery! But then, David thought of a plan.

He would tell Snow that he was going over to teach Henry some sword fighting skills and gave Henry a twenty to keep his mouth shut, then he would drive as fast as his wheels would take him to the nearest provider of his sweet heavenly meal.

He usually stayed there to eat, but one day, when he knew that Snow wasn't going to be home, he got some take out and ate it at home while watching Riverdale on Netflix. Just as he was getting to the scene where Veronica out-sasses Cheryll during cheerleader tryouts, Snow came home.

"I thought you said you would be out all night!" David said as he wiped ketchup and crumbs from his face while trying to cover up the remains of his glorious meal with a blanket.

Snow didn't say a word, she just calmly walked up to David with a look of complete and utter disappointment.

"You watched Riverdale without me?" she said as she plopped down on the couch and took a fry out of the bag, "How could you?"

"Wait, you're not mad that I'm eating Chick-fil-a?"

Snow looked at him with an amused expression, "You think I didn't know? I teach at Henry's school, you think I didn't notice all of those extra twenties he suddenly had?"

David cursed himself and slumped over as he reached over to pick up what was left of the ambrosia that was his Delux sandwich.

Snow shook her head and smiled at him, "Eat more chicken, you've earned it."

David looked up, "For what?"

"For buying me that necklace that I put into our Amazon cart and that you're going to order right now," Snow said innocently.

"Yeah, I should've seen that coming," David said as they both sank into the couch and binge-watched Riverdale late into the night and made plans to get more Chick-fil-A tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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