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Emily jolted awake after the soothing sound of the rumbling engine cut off. Her eyes fluttered open. Everyone had rose from their seats and were preparing to exit the jet. Precison was tapping her shoulder, his dark eyes and warm smile coaxing her to get up. Her face slightly red, she thanked the man and stood up.

''Dude, I took down, like, three guards in about three seconds. Three seconds! I was the MVP,'' Theo argued as he walked through the hangar with Andre, Oscar, and Chase.

''Um, you must not have seen me light all those trucks on fire.'' Oscar arched an eyebrow at the speedster.

Chase shook his head at them. ''This discussion is pointless. There is no MVP.'' As he pushed past them, he grinned over his shoulder. ''But if we are having a competition, I kicked a werewolf's ass. I think I win the MVP contest.'' The other boys immediately refuted the claim, their expressions livid. The blond simply laughed at them.

Emily rolled her eyes they continued arguing.

In her opinion, they were all wrong. Maybe Chase did the best, because he was the only one who fought a Prime, but without herself and Precision, they all would've been overcome by the Kismet mercenaries. Their cover fire was crucial to their victory. But she wasn't going to entertain their petty argument. She'd win anyways.

She noticed Trigger signing something. Victoria snorted.

''What'd he say?'' Emily asked.

''He says your friends are funny.''

Emily scoffed as she shook her head at the three boys. Andre was the only one who remained neutral in their conversation. ''I wouldn't say funny. More like childish.''

Stella nodded. ''Took the words right from my mouth.'' The girl's silky voice filled her ears. Emily cheeks glowed with a blush upon realizing just how close she was standing to the girl. A faint nervousness crept up her spine, inserting itself into her body.

Stop it, Emily. You're only setting yourself up.

''Good job today,'' Stella said.

''Er, thanks.'' Emily faked a cough. ''I'm gonna...go over there. See you...later.'' Before she could see the confusion on the other girl's face, she speed-walked away from her. She mentally slapped herself as she did so.

Seriously, Emily?

The objective was to not appear suspicious. Now she'd just gone and done just that. She sighed. After all these years, her feelings for the girl were still alive and well. She hated herself for it but there wasn't much she could do. She just hoped they'd go away soon.

As she distracted herself from the thought of Stella, her eyes lit up as she saw a couple of Atlas agents dragging a large man out of a transporter vehicle. Prime-nullifying cuffs were wrapped around his thick wrists. He thrashed against the agents holding him, bucking like an angry mustang. They struggled to contain him due to his sheer size and strength.

He was the man-wolf Chase fought in the warehouse. He no longer looked like a monster, but he was still hairy. Extremely hairy. And dirty. He was dire need of a shower. He spat curse after curse, both in English and Russian, as the soldiers escorted him to a jail cell downstairs.

Emily watched as Stella cast the wolfman a look of disgust. The way her face was scrunched up made her look even cuter than usual.

Stop it, Emily, she hissed internally. She likes Chase, not you. The sooner you get through your thick skull, the better. Scowling, she adjusted the bow over her shoulder and continued her voyage through the hangar.

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