Part 1

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I fold up my shirts and place them neatly into my suitcase, "Wish you could come meet him" I say to my wife Jenna.

She just smiles and rubs her belly "The doctor doesn't want me flying, we'll be fine"

"Call me right away if he decides to make an early appearance."

"I'm not due for a month quit worrying." she says tenderly kissing my cheek.

"Ok, but text me even if he moves I wanna know everything"

She laughed so hard her eyes teared up. "I would be texting you every few hours, he's moving now. see" she places my right hand on her belly, I can feel something pressing aginst it.

"He's kicking" My face lit up. it was an amazing feeling.

"I love you"

"Love you too baby" I sweep her in my arms and kiss her passionately I set her back on her feet and kiss her growing stomach "You be good to your mother kid."

As I get into my car and start driving I hesitate wanting to cancel, but Josh and I made a promise.

After checking in and Finding my seat I pull out the picture of Me and Jenna's wedding.

"You guys are cute." the lady next to me said examining the photo.

"Thanks." I say carefully putting it back in my bag "Were expecting in a month"

"Oh that's wonderful" she cooed "I have 4 kids and 8 grandchildren myself, Going to see my oldest and his 3 kids. "

"That's great" I quickly regretted starting a conversation when she started telling me the age and occupation of each family member. I just nodded and smiled throwing in a "Cool" or "Yeah" in at the appropriate spots,

"What about you?"

"Going to see an old friend"

"Sweet," she says closing her eyes as the plane starts to take off.

Once she was asleep I pulled a shoebox out of my bag and opened it inside was my childhood. I pulled out the contents and placed them on the tray table.

A shell we found along the beach, a yo-yo that we used as a weapon to defeat the dragon, he got grounded for a week after he accidentally knocked his brother's tooth out with it. A few movie tickets, and a polaroid shot of us standing at our secret spot. the place I was returning to after 10 years.

I examined the photo we were standing in front of the "magic tree" with big cheesy grins. I ran my finger over it and held it close to me. closing my eyes as I replayed the day met in my head.

It was the first day of summer and I was bored out of my mind, All my friends were either at camp or on a family vacation.

"Mom," I said for the 5th time in a row "I'm bored!"

She rubbed her forehead as she and my dad tried to assemble the crib for my soon to be baby brother. "No Chris this piece goes here", "Tyler I saw a little boy moving in a couple doors down why don't you go say Hi"

"No, that piece is A this is C," My dad said holding up a wood rod that looked liked it would make a great sword.

While they argued over which piece went where I hopped down the stairs and out the back door.

I could see him from my backyard he was sitting on an old rusty swing moving his feet but not swinging. I ran over to his fence and waved. "Hi I'm Tyler"

"I'm Joshua," he said but it came out like " jiwshua

'"Wanna come explore?"

He jumped off the swing and ran into the house "Mom can I go exploring with Tyler?" His mom peeked out the door and waved. I waved back.

"Don't go too far and be back by dark"

"Thanks, mom" he kissed her and ran out to meet me at the fence hopping over in a single bound.

"Where you from jiwshua?"

"Benton" he replied kicking stones as we walked into the woods. it took me a while to notice he was lining them up

"What are you doing?"

"Making a trail so we can find our way back"

He frowned when I laughed "I been living here my whole life I know how to get back"

He shrugged his shoulders and made his little path.

"What made you move here?"

"My parents." he said dryly

"what do they do"

He shrugged again giving up on his path when he couldn't find any more stones. "Whats that around your neck?"

"My camera" I pulled it off and pointed it at him he stuck out his tongue as a snapped the picture. after a few minutes, it came into focus. I handed it to him as we kept walking. "What I'm looking for is just ahead."

"What are we looking for?"

"You'll see" The clouds started rolling in and thunder could be heard in the distance.

"I better get home, my mom will have a fit"

"Almost.." I stopped and pointed to a huge elm tree all by itself, its wood was dark," burnt from getting hit by lightning 12 times. it stands alone cause none of the other trees wanna be near it when It gets struck again."

"It's just a tree," Josh said reaching out to touch it

I smacked his hand away "It's a magic tree, but don't touch it unless you know what you really want. Jimmy Jackson wished he could fly then later that day at the carnival the ride he was on went off the track and the cart flew off, he broke like all of his bones.

"Nahh I don't believe it"

"It's true!, hey let's get a picture of us in front of it"


I set the camera on a nearby rock and set the timer "It will go off in a few seconds, say cheese"

"We better go," Josh said starting to walk faster

As the tree got out of sight we heard a huge crack and roar of thunder. we ran the rest of the way home. His mom was standing on the porch waiting for him. the rain was coming down hard now.

"See ya tomorrow jiwshua" I yell as he goes inside

"Yeah see ya tomorrow"

I fell asleep that night staring at the picture of us. I knew we would be best friends forever. well, I thought so at the time.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are beginning our decent please put your tray tables and seat in the upright position. and thank you for choosing Air USA. "

I must have fallen asleep, the Lady next to me watched as I put my things back in its box and placed it back in my bag.

"Childhood memories?"

I nodded

She squeezed her eyes shut as the plane landed. 

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