Part 2

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I almost didn't drive to the airport to pick him up, I wanted to come up with an excuse for not showing up, but a promise is a promise. I pulled my beat up chevy into the parking lot turned off the engine and sat there in silence. wonder if he still looks the same as he did, what if we have nothing in common anymore and i bore him, what if someone already found the capsule and dug it up. I started up the engine and backed up almost hitting another car coming in, the man honked his horn and swore at me driving on past the 4 empty spaces beside me. I pulled back in and turned off the engine. we promised I said again, stepping out of the car and walking towards the airport.

My heart started to pound in my chest like a drum when the terminal doors opened and people walked out, Tall blond haired woman, man and woman dragging 3 screaming kids, older woman who looked like she was about to pass out, and there he was, he looked the same but had a maturity about him. His brown hair was a tousled mess and he looked like he hadn't slept in days. but his smile, his smile was the same. he waved, dropped his bags and ran to me embracing me in a hug crushing my spine.

"Sorry," He let go and picked up his bag.

"Wow, man it's great to see you again"

"Yeah you too, you haven't changed josh"

"Well, I have gotten taller" I shrug "So what's new in your life?"

"I'm married and have a baby on the way" He pulled out pictures of his wife and sonograms of a little blob looking thing that was supposed to be a baby. my heart dropped a little at the sight. he really had changed. "What about you?" he said putting the pictures away.

"Single, no kids, that I know of, I work at a music store giving drumming lessons."

"Cool," he responded grabbing his luggage from the go-round. "It's really good to see you again"

We loaded his things into the car.

"So, off to the spot?" he asked, his stomach grumbled in response.

"I was thinking we could get something to eat first, you know catch up, besides, Sunday is the day we decided to dig it up."

"Yeah ok. sounds good" his stomach agreed with a loud rumble.

After much debate, we agreed on Donny's Diner which was another old haunt of ours. we spent every Saturday there for a year only missing one weekend when Tyler was sick with the flu.

I went ahead to get a table so Tyler could call and check up on Jenna and the baby. The place hasn't changed except for some of the pictures on the wall, they went from cheesy flowers to old celebrities. I got a seat near the back but in view of the door so Tyler could see me. I waved him over when he walked in, he was gleaming with pride.

"Everything s ok?" I suspected.

"yep, she had a doc appointment and everything is great. " he sat down and opened the menu to the breakfast section even though it was 1 pm.

"Wow, I never thought Tyler Joseph would get married," I say skimming the low-fat meals.

"why do you say that?"

"Don't you remember when we were 9 and you said that you hated girls and that we should get married." I laughed.

"Yeah I was young and stupid than"

"We said and did a lot of dumb things back then" I mumbled

"OH, MY, GOD" a voice called out "Tyler and Josh!"

I turned around to see who it was "Debby!, Duckface Debby?"

She blushed when I used her old nickname, she had grown into her lips and looked amazing

"Yeah it's me, Debby, wow look at you two, this is great, what brings you here?"

"Secret mission," Tyler says hiding behind his menu

"Same sense of humor I see, what can I get you guys to drink?, wait let me guess cokes"

"Make mine diet" I mumble cauing both of them to stare. "What I'm trying to stay in shape, what good is a fat drum teacher who cant fit on a stool?"

She wrote down the orders and waddeled away.

"So I was thinking, maybe Saturday Night we could stay at your old house, No one has moved into either one since you guys left."

"I dont know Josh, That place brings back some crappy memories, I dont want to re-live the bad days when I'm here."

"Ok we can just stay at mine, The only bad memory I have is when you talked me into backflipping off the porch roof with an umbrella, and me breaking my ankle."

"Hey, for the record it was your idea to jump off the roof, and you would have broken your whole leg if the umbrella wouldnt have softend your fall."

We both laughed

"I guess your right, but for tonight you can stay in the spare bedroom of my apartment"

"I got a hotel, Didn't want to intrude"

"Well If you change your mind let me know"

We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about old times and crazy friends, I dropped Tyler off at his hotel and cried when the door shut behind him. 

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