Part 7

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Chapter 7.

Back in my parent's room, I sit on the floor where parents bed use to be, where my father had the heart attack that took his life and messed up the family. I let the tears flow, I missed him so much, everything was so confusing. the feelings, the pain.

I needed to leave, just go back home to where everything made sense. everything was normal. But I still needed to at least say goodbye.

I started to walk out when a piece of paper caught my eye. It wasn't paper it was a photo, the one i took of Josh walking in the woods. He must have been here before, I wonder how often. I leave locking the door behind me.

I got back to his house and tried to open the door but something was blocking the way. I pushed hard but it didn't budge, I went around back and tried that door but it was locked, I had a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, I threw all my weight aginst the door it didn't take much to break it down. it splintered one of the pieces of wood stuck in my leg. I pulled it out wincing with pain. I needed to find Josh.

In the front hall I saw it, part of the house had collapsed,

"JOSH!" I yelled as loud as I could

No answer


I could hear a light moan. I started pulling away the boards ignoring the nails that dug into my skin. he laid motionless "Josh answer me!" He moaned again "crap I'm sorry man, you didn't mess up my life, you never did, you were my best friend, yo where right I was confused and scared. I'm sorry Josh"

His eyes were glassy as he murmured "Dig up the capsule" he took his last breath.

I waited for the ambulance and coroner to take him away.

After they left I set out for the woods, still in shock by what I just witnessed.

The air was crisp just like it was on that day 18 years ago. I thought back to that day as I made my way down the path.

It was the last day of summer we knew that everything would change when we got back to school so we put all of our memories in a tin box we ate all the cookies so we had an empty box. we walked down the path hand in hand the box tucked under my arm while Josh carried the shovel. when we reached the magic tree we dug a hole and buried our capsule. We pinkie promised that when we were 28 years old no matter where we were or what we were doing we would come back and dig it up the last day of summer. before we left Josh placed his hand on the tree and spoke softly. "I wish that me and Tyler would remain friends forever"

When I got to the spot I looked at the tree still standing strong "Hello old friend" I say to it, half expecting it to talk back.

I start digging where we placed the stone that said R.I.P summer.

The tin was rusted I knocked the dirt and bugs off and opened it up.

sitting in the dirt I set out the contents of the box.

A newspaper clipping from when we stopped the baby carriage from rolling into the street deeming us heroes, snapshots of us at the pool in our matching red swim shorts, A baseball, few cards a stone i took from the path he made the first day we met and at the bottom was a letter.

Dear Tyler,

I dug this up after you left, I was going to throw it out because I don't think you will ever be back for it, But I decided to write a letter because I know our friendship is strong enough that you will show. I'm sorry I messed everything up between us and I'm sorry I made you want to go away, I still hold on to hope that someday you will come back to me. but if you don't I just want you to know that you were the best thing that ever happned to me. you were my only and best friend. I still love you, and I understand that the feeling are unrequited. I just need you to know that you saved my life many times through the years. After I burry this I will make one more wish on the magic tree that will have one last adventure together.

Take care old friend,


jiwshua |-/

P.s this symbol represents the wishing tree.

I closed the letter and held it close to me as I cried.

my phone buzzes, I looked to see two words

It's time. 

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