Part 3

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I sat on the floor of the hotel with my back to the door and started to cry. it was a lot to take in and being back in this town was bringing back old memories, I picked myself up off the floor and hopped into the shower. i stood under the steaming hot water letting it wash away the bad thoughts, one memory, in particular, came to mind.

I was 15 and was awoken by my parents fighting again, my brother was 2 and it didn't seem to bother him he lay sleeping in his crib sucking his thumb. I had to get out of there, but where could I go at 2 am. I climbed out the window and off the porch roof when I got to the ground I went to joshes and threw pebbles at his window until i saw him peek out,

"can i come in?" I whisper shout up to him

when he nodded I climbed up the banister onto his porch roof and into his window.

"Whats going on?" he asked rubbing his eyes

"They're fighting again," I say crawling into his bed he got in and laid beside me. "I don't understand why they even got married in the first place, I wish they never would have had me, I should jut die and get it over with." I cried

"Stop," josh said on the verge of tears himself "you know I hate when you talk like that, i want you around"

"You do?"

"Duh," he said play pushing me

I pushed him back he grabbed my hands and pushed them aginst the bed our faces only inches apart i could smell the peanut butter on his breath. Our lips met for the first time. he ran his hand up my shirt rubbing along my chest as my tongue explored his.he worked open the button on my jeans and slid them off, I lt out a moan sliding his boxers off. we laid in each other's arms afterwards. that was the only time, neither of us spoke about it since.

A knock on the door brought me out of my daze I wrapped a towel around me and answered the door, there stood josh holding a bottle of champaign.

"We should celebrate your return in style," He said looking away when saw what I had on.

"Come on in"

I went back into the bathroom and got dressed when I got out josh had made himself at home laying on top of the bed. holding out two glasses.

"A toast," he said holding up his glass "Too old friends, promises, and the magic tree"

I clinked my glass aginst his and took a sip, letting it linger in my mouth before swollowing.

"well I better get going, but i'll see you in the morning" he hopped off the bed and walked briskly to his car.

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