Part 4

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I knew staying would be a bad idea, we may have never talked about that night, but it was still there, and looking at him I could tell that that's what he was thinking about. what the hell was I expecting when he showed up, that everything would be the same, that the huge fight we had 10 years ago never really happened and that he would not have changed at all. I guess a part of me hoped for that, maybe this was just clarification to proof that he would never end up with me. he's happy, he's about to be a father. I didn't sleep I tossed and turned the sun came through the slit in the curtains blinding me.

I got a shower and drove to the Ease E hotel. Tyler was waiting outside luggage in hand.

"Breakfast?" he said as soon as he got in.


He was quiet as I rambled on about the state of our school, how it was no longer getting cared for, the gym floors are scuffed up. I talked about my girlfriends one of which was an actress, he didn't believe me until I showed him the picture.

"wow, living the dream huh?"

"well we broke up but we're still cool"

tylers phone beeped breaking the new silence.

"it's Jenna" he quickly tapped out a message and hit send

"So how did you guys meet?"

"Church" he got a glimmer in his eye every time he talked about her.

"so, before we head to the house, we should swing by the school, and a few other places."

"Sounds good" he replied not really paying attention.

"Maybe we could go to the moon, and skydiving too"

"Yeah great"

"Earth to Tyler!" I bellowed snapping him out of it.

"Sorry man, I was just thinking, but yeah I wuld like to see our school." He picked at his pancakes and sausage looking like he was about to cry. 

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