Part 5

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We got to his old house at dusk, the sun setting behind made it look creepy, The white siding was gray with age and dirt, some of the shingles fell off the roof. and ivy over grew the porch.

"Home sweet home" He joked putting his key in the front door.

The lights didn't work, Josh pulled two flashlights out of the knapsack.

We walked around the floors creaking under our weight threating to give in at any given moment.

There was years of dirt and items left behind. I picked up a stuffed animal realizing it wasn't fake when it starts moving I drop it and scream. Josh Laughs.

"So where exactly do you suppose we are going to sleep?" I ask examining an old couch.

"I brought sleeping bags"

We climbed the stairs to his old room, his eyes teared up I grabbed his hand reassuring. Green wallpaper peeling the door was half off its hinge.

"I really missed you ty," He says getting closer.

"I missed you too." I realize I'm still holding his hand but I don't let go.

"We had some good times in this room" He blushed

"Why did you bring me here Josh?"

He looked confused "because we agreed to come back 10 years to the day and Dig up our time capsule."

"Yeah, but I could have come on Sunday and left that night, why did you want me to come Friday, why did you bring me to this room, did you expect something to happen?" I started to feel angry.

"No, I mean yeah kinda, I thought we could be friends again, but I wasn't expecting anything more, maybe hoping but not expecting."

"Josh, I'm sorry but what I said those years ago, I will never have those feeling for you,"

'Then why did you, did we, that night in my room" He sputtered between sobs.

"I was vulnerable and upset" I stomped my feet. making the floor shake. it meant nothing!"

"You lie, you were just too damn afraid to admit it"

"You'r fucking up my life" I stormed out stomping down the stair and out the door. it was the same thing I said before I left years ago. I walked over to my old house and stood in front of it just staring before I found the hidden key and went inside

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