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Cry out your mourning heart;
(It is already getting heavier.)
It is the darkness again,
So wash it away, in your tears.

No! You are not weak;
It is your elementary instinct.
May not the world preach you
Of the deeds, you don't need to do.
Listen to the rhythm, and let it flow
You cannot, let it remain in;
Breeding it on, the woe will grow-
Day after day, week after week.
No! You are not infernal;
You are innocent, yet deep inside,
So save yourself, weep today
And embrace your lost pious side.

If you had been suffering,
Trying to reason with the pain in your heart,
Burning with a spirit of revenge
Would it efface your bemoaned harm?
Remember, it will never recede,
But in the brightest corner instead,
The wave of sorrow shall sweep away
Your joy to the craters of guilt.
Neither shall you smile in tough times:
Grief, would not greet honestly.
Your smile will feed them young and fine,
Making them heavier for you to carry.
So cry your heart out loud to the sky;
Let the evil burn, in the shining light.
It is the safest route known to mankind
To the redemption, from the inglorious time.


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