Speaking Soul

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What is this world for,

And why are we reincarnated?

Alone we are born

Alone, we will all die.

What ties are meant to be kept

Other than the origin?

Every soul is a path within

In whom we eventually hike.

As for me, I'm the stranger

Walking around the world

Caused by the existence of nature.

I am the soul of mortal men,

But I know my existence.

I realize that I am living within me,

I know the world is not as I see.

I see all that I come across.

People come, choose a soul

And divert themselves

To another path with the one

They consider above all.

I am not surprised.

There are mutual goals,

For those who cannot rise,

Whose souls are not so strong.

I've seen them stumble

And some who fall,

Only the one who hold the need

Can walk throughout the road.

Just a narrow road,

And a very small end,

But, that's not my ending

And hence, I walk alone.

Using the world, as my playground

I can tread in all directions.

I can traverse the mountains

I can sail through the sea.

I may fall, but I will rise

At the end I will build a memory.

Hasta luego lovers,

We will meet at the end of time!

While you travel to an unsighted end,

I have a zenith to climb.

High hopes, big dreams

Yet, I will walk all alone,

For they mock me, for what I was

Love me for what I am,

One day, honour, for what I will be.

This world is mine,

I am the master of its navigation,

I am the conspiracy, in revolution!

Some will come, guide me

And some shall try to cover my sight,

As long as I hold the command alone

I can say the light apart from the blight.

Life doesn't have a delete button,

But there is always a choice to erase

Whatever we don't require at face;

Be it people or untouched emotions.

Sometimes we fail, we all do.

Sometimes the mind doesn't respond

There is however, no choice to reboot

But there is always a day to refresh.

This is not isolation my friends,

This is freedom, a redemption

For the ones who have lost their way,

Looking for the greater destination,

But upon pinnacle, I stand alone

Grazing across my kingdom

It is when the queen may approach

And let me in another world to win.

Till then I will strive...

Until the day I die...

Until the day I die...



Hello readers!

It's been a long time.

I've tried to deal with the subject in the most polite manner. At parts you might feel that I have mocked the feeling of love, well I have not. There is a difference. We are all here to achieve great things and 'Love' isn't confined to a person or soul.

People come to our lives with a lot of advice, plans though, the real goal set up for us is the one that makes us stronger- the one that defines us individually. If there is love for you to confer it's not meant for a single living soul.


Love the world my dear readers...

Spare your love on the world.

The love granted to an individual will lead you nowhere. The love you shared to the world will never let you die.


Tell me in the comments...

And oh! Please do vote and share.
Spread some love.

-Himadri Chekanidhara

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