Final Battle

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(Mine's POV)

I have to admit, I am terrified beyond belief that the person responsible for my agony WILL come after me again... or worse, somebody else in Nightraid. But I do know that if Tatsumi is with me, nothing can go wrong.

I've recovered. I've regained my will to fight. Now there's only one thing left to do. Go forth and fight General Esdeath. I can't remember much from the cell, but I have no doubt in my mind that it was her men that put me through that. Either way, I'm ready to behead ANYONE who gets in my way.

Time passes. Nightraid sets out to the battle site and immediately charges into an attack on Esdeath. Esdeath plays dirty and manages to wipe out nearly everyone. The only people standing are me... Akame... and.... Tatsumi.

'But Tatsumi doesn't know how Esdeath fights! She just wiped out all of us within 30 seconds! He can't take her on when we're this weak! He's the FIRST person she'll go after!' my mind screamed.

Tatsumi pursues her... he glances at me and smiles.

I blinked and when I opened my eyes, she was on the ground.

Damn Tatsumi...

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