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I feel the cool water all over me. I am struggling to breathe I see lights from a boat up ahead. I'm clinging to a wooden board from my family's boat, trying to stay afloat because I dont know how to swim. The rest of the boat is now probably at the bottom of the sea, along with my parents. I shake the thought out of my head and continue to try and stay alive. I feel something tight around my waist. It's someone arm. I look up and I see a blur of what looks like a man tied to a rope.

I feel myself slowly coming up out of the water. And then I slam onto the floor of the boat and start coughing like I've never coughed before, spitting out water. I hear voices, but I'm to cold and tired to listen, and then everything goes black.

This story takes place about 17 years after Tris Prior has passed. Chicago is semi back to normal for the people who wish to live there. It has factions and everything like the old times, but it's not as strict. There's still a choosing ceremony, but if you fail initiation you don't become factionless. In fact, there is no factionless, instead, when you fail initiation you just try again with a different faction. If you fail all the factions, you are sent out to the bureau.

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