Not art related but awesome!

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So I decided recently that I wanted to loose weight, get in shape, you know go on a fitness kick. And so I'm doing Blogilates beginners 2.0 calendar and it really feels great, I'd recommend it to anyone the trainer is very nice, and explains everything so well she's really great! So I've been perusing her videos and I saw this one labeled 'why I will never diet again' and so I watched it and it tells her story. Which I have to admit is very hard to watch, when she was younger she went on this insane diet/workout for eight weeks and trusted the trainer, but even though she was loosing so much weight and getting really strong after it was over she couldn't eat and all these things went wrong afterwards. At the end there is this awesome video link to  Lean Cuisine #Weigh this which I'll put up below but it' super inspirational and it's something I think/hope you will all watch and be inspired by like me.


Art from the heart: and pictures off the Internet (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now