XD read this!

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Random quote that I love:
Alone. ;)

And Shoutouts because you need to check these people out, (this is an ongoing list, your name could appear here too!) And I have wattpad friends and well that's just that, let's see who are my fav people on wattpad?

XiXi_Xiomara please go check out her art, profile, everything she's awesome

renesmeewolfe her stories are just WOW, seriously you have not read fantasy on wattpad until you read one of her books.

Tora_Firespark0897 love her too, so just read her profile follow her amazingness. I think she's going to publish a new story soon too so check her out!

EmpressofPandas your just awesome, and everyone else should read your stories and view your art, literally please view this persons profile!!
@Everyone else, I really wish I could put a whole bunch more people here, and I will, but for now these five are people to check out!

Pandalover513 such a nice fellow wattpad user! Really kind, I advise everyone to check this person out and follow, just cuz awesome ppl deserve to be followed right?

Hey. .. . . . . . . . .!! I could make that a prize! For my art contests, let it be known that any first place winner from now forward will receive a shoutout on this page, along with why I love their art/profile/etc. On top of the other prizes!! Have a new contest posted you all should check it out. PEACE.


Art from the heart: and pictures off the Internet (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now