I was tagged again......

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How often are you tagged twice in one day???? For me the answer is never although I wish I was tagged more often!

Anyways thx to saskclocat for the tag!

Anyways thx to saskclocat for the tag!

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1. Do I have a crush?
Yes, but I'm not saying who it is.

2. What's my middle name?
Mackenzie. Ever wondered where M&M came from? My initials lol, gotta love your name being an alliteration.

3. What's my height?
5'8 ish, that is approximate but likely very close.

4. Eye colour?
Kinda a grey-blue tone. I like it personally, which is good considering I'm stuck with them......

5. Last time I cried?
Watched lego batman like three hours ago, cried because I was laughing so hard lol 😂

6. Biggest fear?
If I'm honest my biggest fear is failure, perhaps that's why I overdo everything and push myself so hard. I'm afraid I won't meet the standards I set for myself.

7. Last song I listened to?
HOLY- Florida Georgia Line, such a good song if you haven't heard it listen to it!

8. Last person I texted?
One of my besties Em, oddly enough it was about shopping. Which those of you who don't know Em won't question but those that do well idk how it happened!

9. Fav app?
This ones tough, I think I'm gonna go with Wattpad. It's the only social media (sort of?) that I own and my only connection to people lol 😂

10. Woah how about like ten?????
I shouldn't even be awake right now so we're cutting the number down.


Those of you I tagged please tag me in the chapters you post cuz I want to know more about you! (But know this is totally optional for those that don't want to do it........😥)

Art from the heart: and pictures off the Internet (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now