A Sudden Proposal!?

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[Please note: Please read the prologue first before reading this story.]

Yamato, the man who said he wasn't interested in me, sits down next to me.

"I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. My name is Yamato Kougami. I'm a high school physics teacher. Nice to meet you. I've been seeing your daughter for some time, and would like to ask for her hand in marriage." Yamato bows next to me. I'm completely at a loss for words...

"Uh, um..." I mumble.

"I see. So you're my daughter's fiance." Father says.

"How polite. That must be because you're a teacher." Mother says.

"How kind of you to say so."

My parents are completely deceived by his polite demeanor. My parents are gazing warmly at Yamato. It looks like he's won them over.

"What a handsome man! You remind me of myself when I was young."

"Now, now, he's much better looking."

"Not at all. It's an honor."

"I'm sorry about him. He gets like this sometimes."

"What are you talking about? I'll have you know that when I was young..."

"F-Father, Mother, this man isn't...!"


I'm flustered. Yamato tugs at my sleeve. He then whispers in my ear, where my parents can't hear.

"Do you want them to know your engagement's off?"


"Look how happy your parents are. You'll break their hearts."


"Why are you getting so flustered?" Mother asks me.

My parents look at me questioningly.

"You've always been on the anxious side." she continues.

"You're all red! I guess this is pretty embarrassing for you." Father says to me.

I'm not embarrassed, I'm losing my mind!

"I'm so relieved to see [Y/N] settle down with a guy like you." My mother looks at Yamato with a big smile on her face. "[Y/N] insisted on keeping you a secret until we actually got to meet you. We were a little worried."

"Half excited, half worried, really."

"I'm sorry about that. I should have introduced myself sooner." Yamato apologizes.

"I can't complain since I'm seeing my daughter with such an amazing guy." Mother says. "Good for you, [Y/N]!"

"Mother, um..."

"I knew the moment I saw her that we were destined to be together." Yamato talks over me, cutting me off. He glances down and begins speaking earnestly. "My heart knew it wanted no other woman but her. I feel like I was single for so long for a reason. To meet [Y/N]. And I'm so grateful that I did."

"Wow..." Mother says.

"We're happy to hear that you think so highly of our daughter." My parents have both completely fallen for it. Is Yamato seriously the kind of person to talk about 'destiny' with people he's just met!? "You've got yourself a great man, [Y/N]."

"I know, where did you find him?" He's so eloquent. He must be very popular with the ladies...

"Are you listening, [Y/N]?" Father tells me.

My Forged Wedding: Yamato Kougami Where stories live. Discover now