Wife's School Visit

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It's my second day living with Yamato. Our first morning together has finally come.

Something smells good. I smell miso soup... and broiled fish...

When I open my eyes, awakened by the promise of good food...

"You're finally up, huh." Yamato's face is right in front of mine, crowding my vision. I reflexively push him away.


"Whoa!" Yamato flies back, his head slamming into the wall. "Ouch!"

"Oh, I... I'm sorry..."

"How'd you get so strong!? You almost killed me!"

"No, I didn't... It's your fault for attacking people right when they wake up!"

"And just who is attacking people from the minute they wake up, huh? You're the one snoring away drooling all over the place..."


"I came to check on you last night, and you were fast asleep, drooling everywhere."

"You watched me sleep!?"

"I was checking on you because I was worried. Don't make it weird."

"How rude... Peeping in on a pure young lady while she's sleeping..."

"Oh, you're a pure young lady, aren't you. Ditching your man the minute a handsome face looks your way... Eh, well, it doesn't matter anyway." He's changing the subject... Did that remind him of what happened with my fiance? Maybe he's actually being considerate... "Anyway, get changed and wash your face. It's breakfast time."

"It smells good! You made it, right?" 

"I had to. Someone was fast asleep."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize so earnestly, it creeps me out. I'm a good cook, so. Hurry up before the miso soup gets cold." Yamato leaves the room, rubbing his aching head and mumbling to himself. I try to act normal, but my heart is still pounding.

Sigh, I can't believe he saw me sleeping... But Yamato seemed completely unaffected. He really doesn't think of me as a woman at all...

I feel safe living with him, but knowing that stings my womanly pride a little... Accepting my feeling of desolation, I change my clothes and leave the bedroom.


"Oh my god... Wow!"

"Just sit down."

I see piping hot rice, miso soup, and a omelet with freshly-broiled salmon. It looks as good as any breakfast at a Japanese inn, and I breathe in the aroma.

"Did you make all of this this morning?"

"Of course. Who makes breakfast in the middle of the night?"

"This looks way too good..."

"I made extra rice. You seem like you eat a lot."

"What...? I eat as much as any girl."

"Don't hold back. Even though you're my fake wife, you can still have seconds."

"I won't have seco..."


"Your stomach says otherwise." You've got to be kidding me... I had no idea my stomach had this kind of comedic timing... "Most girls don't have stomachs that growl like that."

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