Smile-Filled Trip Home

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After Yamato is called in for an emergency meeting at the school, I can't stop worrying, and end up there too. 

What am I doing here...? It's not like I'm going to be able to see Yamato. What should I do? 

I hang around outside the gates and peek inside. I see a group of people walking down the hallway, with Yamato among them. 

There's Yamato... and the Vice Principal! And the Principal. 

Taking up the rear is an uptight looking woman in a suit. The woman follows the Vice Principal into the meeting room. 

Is that woman the Head of the PTA, and Yuri's mother...? I guess they're going to have a meeting about Yamato now... 

That woman wants Yamato fired. Knowing that, I can't stand her, and I don't care what happened to make her so upset anymore. 

None of this would have happened if Yuri hadn't tricked me into going to the warehouse. The only reason Yamato is tied up in this at all is because he came to save me...

And I'm the only one who can prove it. I hesitate for a moment, but steel my nerves and walk through the school doors. 

The hallway's over there... So the boardroom is... Here!

I go behind the building and peek through the gap in the boardroom window. The woman from before is hammering away about some point or another, her face red.

"As the head of the school PTA, I strongly dispute this teacher's continued employment! A sexual predator like Mr. Kougami should be fired!" 

"Sexual predator..." the Vice Principal says. 

"That's quite an accusation. What on earth happened?" the Principal asks. 

"My daughter came home crying yesterday! She said Mr. Kougami hurt her! Hurting students and making them cry is not usual behavior for a teacher!" 

"Quite right." the Vice Principal says. 

"It isn't proper to keep young male teachers in positions at a girls' school in the first place! You must terminate Mr. Kougami!"  

But... he works so hard... 

I think of Yamato teaching his heart out, and his detailed student comments. For her to not even try to understand that side of him and say those things...! Just as I was getting really irritated, the Principal started speaking diplomatically. 

"Mr. Kougami, is there any truth in what Ms. Onodera has said here today?" 


"You have to side with me! You're not accusing the head of your OWN PTA of lying, are you!?" 

"I am doing no such thing. But I need to hear the other side of the story. Mr. Kougami, please give us your side of the story." 


All eyes are on him, and Yamato begins, quietly. 

"I don't recall doing any of the things she claims I did." 

"What did you say?"  

"Are you saying that none of what she said actually happened?" 

"There's no way nothing happened! Yuri was crying her eyes out when she came home..." 

"I can't say what she was so upset about. All I can say is that I have done nothing personally to provoke her." Yamato... Why won't you tell the truth? Is he protecting Yuri? 

If he says what happened yestereday, then everyone will know what Yuri did to me. And if he does, he'll be saying that it was all Yuri's fault. 

I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he's doing... but at this rate, he's going to get fired. What should I do? 

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