Mr. Hero

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"W-Wait a minute. Do you know what happens to girls who do things like this? It will affect your future, and not in a good way! Now's your only chance to stop yourself!" We're still in the warehouse Yuri led me to. I desperately try to reason with Yuri and the two boys. "Yuri, I'm sure you worked so hard to get into such a good school...! Your parents would be crushed if you threw that all away!" 

"That's got nothing to do with you." Yuri says. 

"Have more respect for your parents! They care about you!" 

"How long is she going to keep talking?" one of the boys says. 

"This is getting really old." the other boy says. 

I've been in this warehouse for a long time at this point. Maybe, just maybe... someone might have noticed we're in here by now. Hanging on to that hope, I keep trying to reason with them. 

"And Yuri, will it make you happy to hurt me? Is that all you want?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"Let's say I do break up with Yamato, like you want me to..." As soon as I say his first name, Yuri's face twitches. "I don't think Yamato would like anyone who would do what you're doing. You should know at least that much about him. You said that you get whatever you want. But sometimes it doesn't work out that way. Especially when it comes to people..." 

"Shut up." 


"You're annoying. You think I don't know that already? Either way, I don't want you around. I can't stand the sight of you. I don't want you hanging around him." 

"Hanging around?"

"Hey, guys." Yuri calls out to the two boys. "I was going to have you just scare her a little... but I've changed my mind. Mess her up real good, I don't care." 

"For real?" 


The two boys are smiling menacingly as they close in on me. Yuri watches then intently, coldly... 

She's... serious. She really has it out for me. 

"Sorry lady. This isn't personal." 

"If we don't do what Yuri says, she goes all psycho, you know?" 

"Enough with the chit chat. Get on with it." This can't be happening! 

The boys are so close. They aren't even joking around anymore. They're coming right for me, a carnivorous look in their eyes. One of the boys pulls on my hands... 

"Stop struggling." He tugs on my wrists, and I feel my whole body go weak with fear. I close my eyes and give up, when... 



"Yamato!" The door slams open, and Yamato is in the doorway. Seeing my position, his face flushes with rage as he runs toward me. 

"Hey, you two!" 

"Wh-What's going on!?"one of the boys says. 

"Hey Yuri, what the hell!? We heard that nobody else was coming!" 

"I'm talking to you, you idiots! Get away from [Y/N], right now!" Yamato shoves the boys away from me violently, quickly untying the rope binding my arms. "Are you all right?" 

"Yeah, barely." He sighs in relief, seeing that I'm not hurt. But he immediately glares at Yuri and the boys, rage in his eyes. 

"Hey, you three. What the hell do you think you were doing? What have you done to my... to my wife?" 

My Forged Wedding: Yamato Kougami Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum