The Promised Gold Medal

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"This is so good!" Yuta cries. 

"Really? I'm glad." 

It's a few days after our trip to the hot springs. Yuta's tasting my Pasta Neapolitan. 

"I didn't know you could cook like this. Wow." 

"The manager taught me how to make it. Right?" The manager nods slightly. 

"You practiced a lot here too." Kunihiko says. 

"It's certainly good. That said..." Yuta says. "Isn't a pasta bento kind of weird?" 

"Huh?" I was putting some of the pasta into a bento box for Yamato. "You can't have pasta in a bento?" 

"I can see it as a side dish, but I'm not sure about it being the only dish." Kunihiko says. 

"Yeah, it's like the Freezer Lunches my mom used to pack." Yuta says. 

"Freezer Lunch?" I say. 

"You know, when you just throw whatever in there to clean out your fridge. Once on a field trip, I opened my bento box and all I saw was a box full of cold white noodles. I was so mortified I just snapped it shut!" 

"Cold noodles in a bento box..." Kunihiko says. "Must have been tricky dealing with a mom like that." 

"But Yamato really likes this pasta, so..." 

"What is it they say? 'Dishes made by the one you love are made with the sweetest spice'?" Yuta says.

"That's not always true." Kunihiko says. 

"Kuni, don't crush the poor girl's dreams." 

I'm not really 'the one he loves', anyway. I'm just his sham wife for his fake marriage...

It's old news, for sure, but even so I feel a stab of pain in my heart for reasons I don't know. 

"It's almost 12:00. Shouldn't you get going?" Kunihiko tells me. 

"You're right, I've got to go!" I quickly wrap up the bento and run out of Kunian. 


"Wow, she blazed right out of here." Yuta says. 

"Yamato's school's real close, so she'll be fine." Kunihiko says.

"A homemade bento from your wife for Sports Day... sounds nice. It's like they're really married." 

"Are you starting to feel like you want to get married?"

"Well, if a girl like that came into my life, I'd get hitched in a heartbeat!" Yuta glances over at the apron [Y/N] had been wearing. 


I'm looking forward to coming to the Sports Festival, but going to the school means I'll run into the Principal. 

"The Principal of that school is my biological father." 

I remember the words from Yamato that finally explained everything. That the ring in his wallet is a keepsake from his mother, and that he's the Principal's son... 

For some reason, I was relieved to find out that ring was his mother's. But what a revelation...

I'd only met the Principal a few times, but he always left such a warm, kindhearted impression. It's hard to believe that he abandoned Yamato and his mother... 

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