i think we'll be okay

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i think we'll be okay
and if i don't wake up tomorrow i suppose i will another day
in another bed
whether it be real
or in my head

i think we'll be alright.
and if not it'll only be a matter of time until i feel fine.
i may be lonely
i may be coping
or maybe not
but i'm just hoping

that when i'm 25 years old
i'm not alone
and i have a home where a heart lives

because at fifteen
i knew it happened
but not to me

i hope when i'm 35 years old
i'll know better than to let people in

because at fifteen i let that happen
at fifteen i might've lost it
(lost you)

and the summer sucked
('i'll call you when i get out')
but only because i had to spend it without you
('we're having another service in july,
maybe you could speak like you did last time')
and the weekends weren't great
because graveyards weren't the party scene
and i'm trying my best to cope with the fact that i'm not gunna see you when i get home
you know the drill

and nowadays i still wear your shirt like i like the shitty band it states
i like to at least pretend that you're in a better place.
it's been a year and a couple months but i'll see you soon either way.
i think we'll be okay.
i think i'll be okay.

let bartlet be bartlet / i promise... & playing with lightersWhere stories live. Discover now