Chapter 2

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{[:]} You {[:]}

You all walked towards a random fast food booth, and you snorted and laughed when you saw what it was.

Let me remind you, we picked a completely random restaurant.

The restaurant was McDonald's.

" McDonald's-- Who the hell names their kid McDonald? " Fell asked, and Gold giggled softly.

" Come on! I'm starving, and I don't care what restaurant we pick. As long as it has food, I'm in. " Frisk said, and you smiled, thinking that you literally had the same thoughts as Frisk did.

" I'm with Frisk on this one. " You said, and she smirked.

" Ah, okay then. In we go! " Toriel chirped, seemingly excited about McDonald's.

Gaster!Sans followed the rest of the group, and you felt a dangerous aura around him.

You and Fell were the only ones left outside, and he grunted.

" I ain't eating here... " He muttered, and you sighed.

" Come on! " You said, begging like a child would.

He faced you, and you saw a tint of red on his cheekbones.

You were pouting and clasping your hands together in a praying position.

He rolled his eyes.

" N-No.. " He stammered, and you sighed annoyingly.

You grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.

You saw the others sit on chairs, a huge table seperating them all.

You walked to a vacant seat, not even realizing that you were still holding Fell's hand.

You heard him grunt, and he snatched his arm away from you.

You looked at him, just realizing what you were doing.

" S.. Sorry..! " You squeaked, quickly turning away from him and playing with your fingers.

He sighed.

" Idiot... " You heard him mumble, and you tried so hard not to choke him to death.

" Hi Ma'am! Welcome to McDonald's! How may I help? " You heard a cheerful voice ask, and you looked up.

You saw a live, and walking barbie doll.

Nah, just kidding.

She just looked so plastic.

I mean, who even has big busts like THOSE--

" I think [Y/N] will order. " Frisk said, smiling nervously.

She must have noticed your change of temper.

You grumbled curses under your breathe, mentally insulting the barbie doll.

She rolled her blue eyes, and she mumbled some things.

But then, you heard one sentence.

"..Bitches making my life hard.." 



" Okay! I'll just have a McFloat and a burger, Gold will have the same as me, and as for her, " Frisk gestured towards you, " She'll have [INSERT YOUR ORDER]! Now shoo and get our orders, please! " Frisk said, and she took a deep breathe, exhaling loudly after.

The barbie doll, or, as the name tag says, " Panpina ", grunts and walks away, gripping her pen and her piece of paper tightly.

" Hey, me and Fell need to use the bathroom. We have.. ' Matters ' to discuss. " G!Sans excused himself, grabbing Fell's hand and going to the bathroom.

Two Hot Skeletons - which to Choose?《 Gaster!Sans X Reader X UnderFell!Sans 》Where stories live. Discover now