Chapter 8

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[ Y O U ]

I followed Frisk and Gold, seeing them chat. They seemed to be chatting about monsters, or something like that. I huffed and looked around, seeing different kinds of cars in the parking lot [Yeah, that's pretty much what the parking lot has, [Y/N].]. I had an odd feeling in my chest, a feeling I can't quite describe.

Well, I could, but it's hard. It felt as if I was missing something. My mind was urging me to go back to the mall, but I didn't. I continued walking forth, hands swaying, mind thinking of a list of good songs I knew. As I was in my own little world, I didn't even notice that we were in a white van --which was about the size of a mini bus-- arguing on where to sit. Soon, we settled down.

Me, G!Sans, and Fell were in the middle, Asgore and Toriel sitting us, Undyne, Alphys, and Papyrus sitting behind the two goat-like monsters, and lastly, Frisk and Gold sitting in the front. With Frisk driving, of course.

I sat down between the two skeletons, grabbing my backpack and placing it on my lap. After sitting down, I put my hand inside my bag, my fingers brushing against different kinds of objects as I tried to find my ears buds with the sense of touch. [wat

As soon as I felt nothing, I panicked and opened the bag, my [E/C]-colored eyes trying to find a pair of white ear buds. But I found nothing. 

" Oh, gosh, " I said out loud, panic lacing my voice as everyone faced me, confusion painted on their faces. " What is it? " Frisk asked, looking at me in the rear-view mirror. " I think I left my ear buds! " I cried out, and Frisk sighed.

" [Y/N], we can get another one-- " I din't listen to her as I bolted out of the van, grabbing my backpack and wearing it as I ran back to the mall, ignoring the pleas behind me. As I heard fast footsteps behind me, I took a sharp turn and many more, crouching down behind a velvet red car. 

I took off my bag, placing it in front of me as I closed it. Thank God my stuff didn't fly away! I soon heard footsteps nearby, and I put a hand on my mouth, trying to not give away my spot as I breathed rather heavily on my palm.

" Where is she? " An annoyed and worried voice asked, and I assumed it was Fell. " Do you think  I know where the hell she is? " I heard G!Sans retort, and I heard their 'chat' break into an argument as their voices faded away.

I peeked above the car, seeing Fell shove G!Sans as he stormed off, obviously pissed. I watched with amusement as G!Sans raised his hand eye, raising his middle finger at Fell as he spoke loudly, " Roses are red, violets are blue; I have 5 fingers, the middle on is for you! ".

" GO FUCK YOURSELF, RETARD! " Fell shouted from somewhere, and I giggled quietly as G!Sans walked off, a triumphant smirk placed on his.. Teeth.

As I saw G!Sans walk away, I stood up and bolted to the mall. Probably not the best idea since they're both nearby, but fuck it. I entered the mall and ran to the direction of the book store. Unlike before, several people were now inside, chatting rather loudly.

I went to the Yaoi and Yuri section, totally not looking at some mangas in both sections. But when I saw that my earbuds were not there, I walked to the Wattpad Section, but again, my earbuds were still not there. 

As I realized my earbuds were not in the bookstore, I fast walked to the Anime Store, entering. I ignored the stares of other people as they looked at me with a raised eyebrow, seeing my messy hair. 

When I found an isle that had no one, I hid and brushed my hair with my fingers, too lazy to bring out my comb. As I was brushing my hair, my eyes looked around at the different kinds of anime.

My [E/C] orbs landed on a huge section where the words HETALIA were proudly put. I've never watched the anime before, but I heard that the anime was about a bunch of stereotypical hot guys which play as a country.

So basically, it teaches you about History, only making it seem more fun because of the fact that hot guys are put in it.

As I finished finger-combing my hair, I walked out of the isle, only to bump into someone. I yelped, falling to the ground ass first. " Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry! " I exclaimed as I heard an annoyed sigh.

" It's fine, " An angry, feminine voice replied, and I looked in front of me, seeing a girl with glasses picking up her manga and anime CD's. 

I saw her pick up several Hetalia mangas, some Tokyo Ghoul CD's, and a bunch of Charlotte merchandise. I helped her pick up her things, handing them back to her as we both stood up after. 

" Again, I'm really sorry for bumping into you. " She huffed, nodding as her brows furrowed. " Again, it's fine. Now, please, if you'll excuse me, " She said, walking past me as she looked at me one last time. 

" Anime is calling. C'ya, dork. " She waved, turning her back to walk away and to the cashier. I was about to roll my eyes and mentally insult her when her sweater caught my eye.

It was grey and had the logo of Wattpad on the back, along with the username below it, 

' iiTrazix '.


please don't beat me up because i didn't update for a long time

and, btw, i'll try to update this book and without you if i have the time


okay, you're probably expecting me to explain why the hell i didn't update.

well, first,


and second,

Anime has been literally the only thing keeping me from snapping and yelling back at my teachers

especially Hetalia

so, there's your explanation on why I put Hetalia in this chapter and why I didn't update for a long time.

now, i'll see you guys around.

- M___

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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Two Hot Skeletons - which to Choose?《 Gaster!Sans X Reader X UnderFell!Sans 》Where stories live. Discover now