Chapter 7

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{[:]} You {[:]}

You were walking with the group, a bunch of shopping bags in each of your hands.

Well, except for Gold, of course.

You noticed G!Sans trying to hit on Frisk, but failing.

You usually found this funny, but..

That heartbroken expression on his face, it made it seem less funny.

Okay, not  funny at all.

You shrugged it off, but saw something in the distance you loved when you were a child.

No, it's not a toy store. 

Nope, it ain't ComicAlley.

And no, it's not posters of those famous bench models.

You didn't know why, but you wanted to be a model of bench when you were a child.

God, I'm so weird when I was a child.

A big smile was plastered on your face,

Because what you saw was...

Drum roll, please!














 Just kidding.

..But I do wish it was real.

* ahem *  Back to the story.

A huge fucking play place!

You looked at Frisk and Gold, and Frisk saw the play place up ahead.

" Oh. My. God. " She said, and you giggled, acting like a child.

" YOLO! " You shouted as you ran to the play place.

" WAIT FOR ME! " Frisk shouted, grabbing Gold's hand.

" W-What-- F-Frisk! " Gold stammered loudly, and you just continued running.

" Hey! Wait up, punks! " You heard Undyne shout.

You stopped in front of the play place, seeing only a few kids play inside, since it was almost late afternoon.

You saw Frisk running beside you, and she finally caught up.

Just in time for the play place to close.

You widened your eyes, and went to the entrance.

" Excuse me! " You said, panting a bit.

A teenage boy with brown hair and silver eyes looked at you, and when he saw you, he had a flirtatious smirk on.

Oh God.

" Hey there, what can I do for a beautiful girl like you?~ " He asked seductively, winking at you.

You almost puked.

You decided to take a bullet for a team.

No, not just a bullet.

Many fucking bullets.

" Hey there, um, me and my friends were wondering, if we could, erm, enter? I-If it's okay, of course! " You asked, trying to act flustered.

Two Hot Skeletons - which to Choose?《 Gaster!Sans X Reader X UnderFell!Sans 》Where stories live. Discover now