Chapter 4

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{[:]} You {[:]}

As we finished eating, a small smile formed onto your lips.

You looked at Fell, and you saw beads of sweat forming on his skull.

He kept glancing at you and Gold, and it was starting to weird you out.

" Fell, " You called out, and he flinched.

" Hm? Uh, yeah? " He asked nervously.

" It's cold. " You pointed out, and he rolled his eyes.

" I know, idiot. " He grumbled, and it was your turn to roll your eyes.

" Then why are you sweating? " You asked him, and he didn't reply.

You were starting to get pissed and grabbed his chair, turning it to you.

You faced him, and he faced you, growling quietly.

" Tell me. " You demanded, and you got pulled away from Fell.

Someone wrapped an arm around you, and you looked beside you, just in time for Gaster!Sans to touch your forehead.

" Try to not get him mad. " He whispered as he pulled away, continuing to eat his fries.

You rolled your eyes, but what you didn't realize, was that you were blushing.

You grumbled some curses, and you saw Fell's right, red iris flash for a second.

You shrugged it off, continuing to mumble that Gaster!Sans is being a dick.

" I can hear you. " A voice whispered, and you grabbed the first thing you saw, which were fries.

You threw it from the sorce of the voice, frightened.

But you paused when you saw all the fries floating, a golden aura surrounding it.


" Don't waste my fries like that. " Gaster!Sans grumbled, and you looked at him.

Oh. So the fries weren't alive. Thank God..

" Of course it isn't alive. " Gaster!Sans rolled his eyes at you, and you froze.

" You.. You read.. Minds..? " You asked, and he scoffed, grabbing a fry from the air.

" No, " He replied, taking a bite from the fry sexily. [Whaaat? What do you mean I added the last word? Pfft... I would never!..]

" What-- Then-- How--? " You kept stammering, and he sighed.

" You were mumbling things out loud. Gets pretty weird. " He said, grabbing two fries and stuffing it into his mouth.

" Oh. " You said, and you faced the table again, embarrassed.

" Okay! So! What to do next? " Frisk asked, rubbing her hands together.

" Please, I beg of you, can we not go shopping? " Gaster!Sans asked, or, begged to Frisk.

Frisk smirked.

" Shopping it is! Gosh, G! You truly ARE a genius! " Frisk said, sarcasm lacing the last sentence.

" Sh-Shut up... " Gaster!Sans grumbled, crossing his arms and huffing.

His cheekbones were tainted yellow, and you had no idea what the fuck was that.

" What's that? " You asked, poking his cheekbone.

Gaster!Sans flinched at your touch, and he slapped your hand away, growling.

But then, his cheekbones were fully yellow.

" He's blushing. " Frisk giggled, and Gaster!Sans grumbled.

" Oh. " You simply said, continuing to observe Gaster!Sans.

[I accidentally typed in Hot in this part. Like, what the fuck brain. ]

You chuckled as Gaster!Sans glared at you, mumbling a " Stop that ".

{[:]} Time Skip {[:]}

You all walked out of McDonald's, stomach full.

You turned a corner and saw someone singing.

A girl, to be more specific.

Her voice was powerful, and absolutely beautiful.

You figured that she wasn't from your country, or this one, because she didn't look like it.

People quickly started to surround her, taking videos, as if she was some celebrity.

After she had ended, everyone near her clapped, and one shouted, " GO GERPHIL! WE LOVE YOU! "

Gerphil, hm?

Oh, I think she was the one that was -- I think -- second place in Asia's Got Talent. [This is true; Gerphil Flores is from the Philippines, and she's just amazing. Don't know why the hell I'm putting in this part, but screw it, I already typed it and I'm too lazy to delete it.]

You all walked past the crowd, the others chatting.

You glanced behind you, and the two twins were talking.

Frisk and Gold were chatting happily, giggling a lot.

You looked at Fell and Gaster!Sans, and they were silent.

They were walking side by side, and you could almost feel the tension between them.

You got annoyed and walked in the middle of them, looking down.

" What. " Gaster!Sans growled silently at you, and you rolled your eyes.

" Stop it. " You demanded, glaring at both of them.

" Stop what? " Fell asked, annoyed.

" Stop fighting, and acting like fucking 5 year olds! " You hissed, and they seemed to get what you meant, because they both just walked beside the twins, joining their conversation.

Gaster!Sans snaked his arm on Frisk's waist, while Fell put his arm around Gold's neck.

Adorable. Absolutely, fucking adorable.

You thought as you smiled.

But then, you realized how lonely you were.

Well that's fucking depressing.

But then, someone pulled you into their arms.

" Just think of this as a 'Thank you', and you better accept this because I ain't doing it ever again.. " A rough voice whispered, and you realized that it belonged to Fell.

" Mkay. " You mumbled.

But then, you all stopped.

You almost fell face first on the floor, because you were walking pretty fast.

You heard the twins gasp, and you looked into your right.

It was the department store, and you could see all the clothes they have inside.




I made this chapter because,

Why not,


Our school got suspended because of the weather.





- Vivi

Two Hot Skeletons - which to Choose?《 Gaster!Sans X Reader X UnderFell!Sans 》Where stories live. Discover now