mouses and sticky notes

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I sat in the back of class ignoreing the roar of the classroom and tried to focus on my drawing. Me smiling and wearing mouse ears. I growled in frustration when my pencil slipped and left a long mark on my picture.

I frowned when I tried to remember when I got the nickname. I couldn't remember, but the memory was unpleasant.

Then I smiled. I remember Emi calling me mouse and me getting mad, but when she pointed out that mouse could be Minny Mouse, I was completely cool with it.

The bell barely drew my attention when it rang. Sure, it was the first day of school and first period, but that didn't mean I had to care. I was already bored with school and longed for summer to make its quick return. The propped  open window only tormented me.

Ms. Banks rustled into the classroom and reluctantly put down my pencil. Don't want to start the year off by getting yelled at.

When I heard scribbling, I dragged my eyes up look at what she was writing.

The Human Emotions.

I raised an eyebrow. Well that's an interesting topic for the first day of school. I shrugged. At least we don't have to go over the syllabus.

She dusted off her hand and gave us a welcoming smile.

"Hello, In Ms. Banks and I'm going to be you science teacher this year. Today we-"

The classroom door swung open, interrupting her words. She gave an annoyed glance at the door, then her face broke into an easy grin.

Standing in the doorway awkwardly was a boy. He was medium height and had dark chocolate hair that flopped over his eyes, almost concealing his electric eyes. He wore a faded black shirt that hung off his shoulders and baggy black jeans with ratted black converse. The jeans seemed dusted with something light, and in his hand he clutched a sticky note. His other hand was hanging down by his sides and were waving wildly, like he was playing the piano.

His eyes swept  the room analytically and I felt a chill when his eyes landed on me. A flicker of recognition was quickly snuffed out as he moved onto the next person. I kept starring at him, and his eyes flicked back at me. I dropped my gaze and pretended to be engaged with my pencil.

Finally, we turned his eyes to Ms. Banks and worldlessly handed her the sticky note.

She read it quickly, her lips forming the words. She nodded and gave him a quick grin.

"Class, this is Chasten Davidson. He just moved here and I expect you to treat him with the upmost respect. Understood?" The class bobbed their heads and immediately started whispering.

"HUSH!"Ms. Bank said. "Chasten, you can sit near Ms. Lo Oak."

No no no! He is weird... but his eyes are stunning. At least he is sitting next to me, not with her. Ugh, why me? Can't he sit next to someone else?

I struggled to keep my thoughts to myself, although I grimaced when he walked by me to sit down.

The new boy, Chasten, winced as if he had a headache. Odd. I shrugged it off. Probably nervousness about going to a new school.

He slid into his chair and quit set down his bags and sat up rigidly.

In my mind, I raised an eyebrow, but I didn't say anything. I forced myself to focus on the board and what Ms. Bank was saying, but my mind kept wandering.

Who was this strange boy?

(Sorry guys for such a weak chapter. The next are better, promise)

Well hello hello hello. Did ya guys like this chapter. Again, nothing major changed, but you'll see! Just keep reading...

Also, shout out to FlametailIsNotOnFire , Loopyloo7000 , trippy-triplets and ANightmarishDaydream for commenting such nice comments, THEY MAKE MY DAY THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU

Ok bye.

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