dogeballs and fights

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Chasten's eyes were clouded over, with the video's lights playing on his pupil. His fingers were clenching and unclenching and a bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face. I wasn't paying attention to the video at all and was startled to find that the lights were on and that the video ended. But just before the darkness lifted, a paper airplane whistled through the air, landing on Chasten's desk. 

He jumped slightly and looked directly at me with accusing eyes. My eyes widened. His eyes narrowed but then flicked behind me. I turned around too and saw Jake, a guy with an outrageous amount of testosterone and a silly buzz cut smiling at Chasten with a gleam in his eye. 

Chasten unfolded the paper airplane and quietly sucked in a breath, his eyes flashing. A careful mask on, he slipped it into his back pocket and faced the front. Jake's eyes narrowed and he scowled. I glanced at Chasten, surprised to see a slight smile on his face. 

His eyes glanced at me, then his face was washed of emotion, leaving a blank slate for a face. I looked away from him slowly. Ms. Banks clapped her hands to get our attention, and soon started droning on and on. Time drifted and warped, soon the bell rang, jolting me out of seat. In a smooth motion, I swung my backpack up and it settled on my shoulders. I slid my book toward me and tucked it under my arm. 

I looked back to where Chasten was seated, but he was gone. I glanced up at the door and saw Chasten awkwardly shake hands with Stacy, with a painful smile plastered on his face. Stacy handed a slip of paper to him, with a fake smile. He  accepted it and shoved it into his back pocket, turning to leave. But before he did, he glanced back at me, and quickly looked away.  

I stood there, puzzled at his behavior when Scott bumped into me with a mischievous grin on his rat like face. 

"Hi, Scott. " I said grudgingly. 

"Hello Lo." He replied, eyes twinkling. "Having fun sitting by the mind reader?" He asked.

I stiffened. 

"Sure." I replied curtly, making my way down the aisle. Scott tagged along, keeping so close to me I could practically feel his breath on my neck. 

"Are you sure? You don't seem so sure to me. " He replied, following me out the door.

"I'm sure." I replied. 

Scott shrugged, and ran his hands through his already messy hair. 

"Ok then, if you say so, Lo-ser." He said, grinning then turning around and vanishing into the crowd. 

I glared after him and walked to math, already hating this year. 


I entered the math class with a grimace, but it morphed into a relieved smile when I spotted my best friend, Kate. She was sandwiched in between two pimply boys- Patrick and James when she spotted me. Her face lit up with a grin and she quickly flounced over to me. 

"Lo!" She shouted, ensnaring me in a hug.

"Hey Kate. How was Hawaii?" I asked, following her back to her seat. 

She shrugged, shooing away the boys. 

"Good, we did all the usual stuff.  Surfing, hiking, all that." She grinned, then leaned closer to me. "Plus, you know, cute boys too." She pulled away giggling and I smiled, grateful to have my friend back. 

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