Chapter three

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: angelchanne

After a week, it's monday again. Hyerie used to hate mondays but not anymore. Not when, she can see Christian every monday.

"Good morning class!"

Their management professor enters the room and Hyerie isn't a bit interested. If History is boring, not until Sir Christian became their prof. of course, management is worst. Hyerie can even sleep in this class without even feeling guilty. Her friends feels this way too.

This time, though, Hyerie isn't sleeping, her mind just wanders somewhere far from their current subject. She's thinking of Christian, her future with Christian in it. She can clearly  picture a palace in her mind with her as a princes and Christian as her prince charming. Their kingdom will be surrounded by gold fish which names were all nemos. There would be a sea surrounding their palace and poseidon is leaving beneath it, holding his fork pondering if he can eat fish or not. There would also be fireflies flying around their castle who are secretly fairies. Of course her friends were there too. Cass is a mermaid, pestering poseidon to teach her how to waterbend. Saph is a grass, no particular reason for it. Yuki is a trumphet, Hyde is a turtle and Gian is a hipo--she doesn't know how to spell it, so Gian would just be a scarecrow at the middle of the field far away from their castle.

"Miss Kim!"

Hyerie heard someone called, breaking her at her momentary trance. She looked up and saw her professor looking at her pissed.

Hyerie immediately stood up without even knowing why her prof. is calling her.

"Miss Kim explain utilization."

Hyerie knew, she's doomed. She doesn't even know that word!

"Ma'am, uhm this is the efficiency of employees?"  She guessed and sighed in relief when their professor let her slip for this time.

"Okay, another idea?"

After the recitation, their professor let them have a break for a while. She also informed them that they'll be having a quiz after the break but instead of reviewing, Hyerie and her friends just gossip about everything.

The 30 minute break has ended and they did the quiz.

Hyerie knew the answers on the quiz. The problem is most of her answers were wrongly spelled, thus, still wrong making her barely pass. To say that she hates spelling is an understatement. Her niece who's just in grade one is better than her when it comes to spelling and it sucks!

She feels down for a moment, not really satisfied with her score but after hearing her professor dismissing them, she immediately lighten up.

Their next subject is history which means that she'll see her prince charming again.

The door opens, reavealing a freshly looking Christian, dressed in his black polo shirt and tight pants with his hair pushed back. What an endearing sight. Hyerie thought.

Hyerie is smiling brightly that can be compared with sunshine and Gian is just looking at her in amusement.

"The madness of love is the greatest of heaven's blessings."

Saph heard Hyerie quoting plato again and she smiled murmuring an 'I love Plato' to herself.

"Love is a serious mental disease." quoted Gian which caused Hyerie, Saph and even Cass to look at him.

"What?" He asked.

"I love Plato." Saph just said and they turned their gaze back at their professor.

Hyerie, still in disbelief that Gian had just quoted Plato chose to focus in staring at Christians features than to listen at the lesson which is constitution.

"Who can state the Article 2 sec. 4?" Christian asked and Hyerie not really knowing if she knows the answer, raised her hand just to impress their prof.

"Yes? Lady?"

"Uhm the prime duty of the government is uhm government authority emanates--" Hyerie forgot it, blame Christian for staring at her intensely.

"The sovereign filipino people imploring the aid of almighty God?" Christian continue jokingly and to Hyerie's embarrassment, her classmates laugh at her.

Apparenly, article 2 sec. 4 became a remix of article 2 sec. 4 and sec. 2 because of Hyeries nervousness and continued by Christian with preamble.

Again, blame Christian's intense stare for this!


After laughing so hard about Hyerie's mischief, Cass got hungry and decided to go to the cafeteria to buy snacks.

Upon standing up, Saph looked at her.

"Where are you going?" Saph inquired, suddenly becoming excited.


"I'll go with you!" Saph declared enthusiastically, causing Cass to raise a brow.

"No, thanks. I can manage." Cass replied, secretly knowing Saph's intention on going with her.

Saph pouted and grab Cassandra's hand. "Come on, I'll go with you!"

"You just want to see Sir Xian." Cass said, rolling her eyes.

Saph giggled. "How'd you know?"

"Don't ask the obvious, Saph!"

"I'll go with the two of you too!" Hyerie suddenly said and Cass sighed.

Hyerie's reason is Christian obviously. Hyerie saw Christian exits their room and she suddenly had an instinct that Christian would go to the Cafeteria.

They got down from fourth floor to ground floor and upon approaching the marketing officer's office, Saph's head immediately turn to that direction.

But disappointment really comes after expectation. Sir Xian, apparently isn't in his office.

"Tsk! Had I known, I wouldn't got down here!"

Hyerie together with Cass can't supressed their laughter at Saph's dejected expression.

"Ha! You laugh because you don't have a crush!" Saph said pointing at Cass and Hyerie laughed.

Cass brows scrunched up because of this. "I do have a crush! It's Kai!"

Saph rolled her eyes. "I mean in real life."

"I have!" Cass insisted and upon saying it, their cost accounting professor passed by and smiled at them.

"Sir Louie! He's my crush!"

"Seriously!?" Hyerie and Saph asked in disbelief.

"Uh-Huh?" Cass replied, cringing at herself.

They all know that it's not true but for Cass' happiness they'll just pretend to believe.

"Believe it!"

"Okay." Saph replied, rolling her eyes at the back of her mind while thinking, of all people why Sir Louie--the walking tomato.

Hyerie on the other hand thought that if Sir Louie will know about Cass having a crush on him, he'll bury Cass alive. And that mere thought is funny.


(MMGPS) Making My Gay Prof. Straight [UNDER REVISION]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें