Chapter six

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It's their break and they have nothing to do. They are supposed to use their free time to review but they chose not to.

"Saph, let's go buy in the cafeteria." Hyerie said and Saph nodded without even thinking about it.

As soon as they got down, their gaze automatically goes to Xian's office. It becomes a routine for them--for Saph to be specific.

It seems like Hyerie isn't only the one who's inlove.

"They say, staring is rude." Hyerie mocked and Saph sighed dreamily.

The truth is they are both hopeless. The person they like doesn't even know their existence. Well, maybe not in Hyerie's case since Christian seems to recognize her.

"Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows."

"Don't quote shakespeare right now, it's depressing. Let me just admire a perfect work of art." Saph replied, still shamelessly staring at the marketing officer who's currently very focus in looking at his computer screen.

"I want to mock you but I guess I can't. We're just the same afterall." Hyerie stated shrugging and Saph laugh.

"You're worse, though." Saph said and Hyerie step on her foot.

Hyerie managed to pull her friend in the cafeteria and finally bought their food. After that, they headed back to their room with Hyerie pulling Saph away from the view of marketing office.

"Saph, I have an idea." Hyerie snapped and Saph looked at her skeptically.


"Let's head to the other way so that you'll be able to see Xian's face clearly." Hyerie suggested and Saph's ears perk at this.

Again, Saph didn't even think twice and agreed to Hyerie's suggestion.

And Hyerie's right. Saph did have a clear view.

Saph's eyes widened as she immediately turns her back looking like a caught puppy and Hyerie furrowed her brows in confussion.

"What happened?"

"He caught me staring and he waved at me." Saph said, calming her rambling heart in the process and Hyerie smiled like a proud mother.


Their class ended early that evening since teacher's day is coming and all the professors still have to practice their dance performance. It became a tradition in their university every teacher's day. Some students will perform but most of performance on the line up will be of the professor's. It's their day afterall.

Since Hyerie specially her friends aren't used to going home early, they agreed to watch the practice first.

This is mostly for the benefit of Hyerie who decided not to care anymore if Christian is gay or not. It doesn't matter anymore. But, she'll still do everything to make him straight if given a chance.

The music has started and the professors started to dance. Hyerie's attention is ofcourse focused on Christian while Saph is bored and Cass is cheering.

"Sir Louie is great." Cass commentend and she isn't lying when she said this. Louie did really get her attention.

"He's great right?!" Cass said to Saph and the latter nodded, rather uninterested.

"O my ghad! Go Sir Christian!" Hyerie screamed which surprised Cass and Saph.

What surprised them more is Christian smiling back at Hyerie.

"Did he really smile at me?" Hyerie asked and as soon as Saph and Cass nodded in confirmation, she blushed furiously.

After that, no one can erase the smile on her face, well except for a certain professor who looks exactly like an alien.

Hyerie is rambling on how handsome Christian is when their P.E professor approched them.

"Hi, Hyerie!" The alien-looking professor greeted and tried to touch Hyerie and the latter immediately hides behind Cass.

Hyerie is already hiding and the perverted professor is still trying to reach for her. Hyerie groaned in fear as Cass tries to shoo the alien away.

"Is there a problem here?"

Hyerie is beyond surprised upon the sudden appearance of Christian in their current place. Cass on the otherhand thought of being an angel even for once, pushed Hyerie in their History professor's location. This action result in a rather, sweet position between Hyerie and Christian. Hyerie's face is buried in Christian's chest while the latter is holding Hyerie's waist securely.

"He's gone." Cass who managed to shoo the alien away announced a moment later. The smirk on her face makes Hyerie turns red.

"I think we should go home." Gian stated as he pulls Hyerie away from Christian. Upon doing this, he smiled at their prof. "Thank you, sir."

Saph and Cass also thanked their professor before they followed Gian and Hyerie.

"Yah! Why did you do that!" Hyerie asked at their ride home.

"Because it's already embarrasing." Yuki answered instead of Gian.

"You owe me for that." Cass said and Hyerie grinned.

After the noisy ride until the highway, they separated ways. Yuki and Gian decided to eat at the nearest fastfood first while Hyerie and Saph rode a bus to head home directly, leaving Cass to head home alone.

Cass put her headset on as she takes her time in walking, inhaling the fresh air on her way when she felt like there's someone following her from behind and being the paranoid she was, she run.

Running isn't really something she likes to do and being clumsy herself, she tripped on a canal.

"Help!" Cass shouted as she feels like she's already drowning.

Someone seems to heard her scream.

"Why don't you try to stand." A man's voice said but she's already panicking and her mind can't function properly.

The man hissed and offered his hand instead.

"Thank you."

The man nodded before he turns his back.

"He's handsome." Cass mumbled, shrugging and stopped abruptly from walking when she notice the canal she tripped over isn't really full with water. The water is only on her leg level!

"Stupidity at it's best." She hissed and mourn in self embarrasment.

(MMGPS) Making My Gay Prof. Straight [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now